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而且,我百感交集关于这一决定。And, I have mixed feelings about this decision.

一说到我的职业,我总是百感交集。I have a, have a lot of feelings for my profession.

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但我当年年幼无知。而今百感交集。But I was young and foolish. and now am full of tears.

她独自留下,此时她百感交集。She was left alone and then she had a hundred emotions.

到了中年,人们对生日的看法趋向于百感交集。By middle age birthdays tend to he regarded with mixed feelings.

想到一场意外的死亡却可以拯救他的生命,真的百感交集。It's so odd to think that an accidental death just saved his life.

新娘的表妹克劳迪亚•德•娜•贝纳对此百感交集。Claudia de la Peña, cousin of the bride, has mixed feelings about it.

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我默默地坐在床上,回想梦中所见的情景,不禁百感交集。I silently sat on the bed, recall a dream scene, I have mixed feelings.

现在,重新拜读两篇杂文,更加让人百感交集。Today, as we re-read these two articles, we are even more deeply moved.

事后,博伊兰望着银闪闪的大奖杯,百感交集。Gazing afterward at the large, silver trophy, Mr. Boylan felt emotional.

李君获悉之后百感交集,没有再责怪黎璃当年玩失踪。Li Jun learned after mixed feelings, no blame li play glass was missing.

许多在班加西枢纽反叛百感交集有冲突有关。Many in the rebel hub of Benghazi have mixed emotions about the conflict.

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梦想与现实的差距,喜怒哀乐,悲欢离合,百感交集。Dream and reality gap, joys and sorrows, and might be sensitized mixed feelings.

能在自己的家乡参加世界杯,中国五人制国家队主帅法里纳百感交集。In their home World Cup, Five Chinese national team coach Farina mixed feelings.

我的任务是在此谈一谈自己如何进行工作,这让我有些百感交集。My assignment is to describe how I work. I take on this task with mixed feelings.

你为谁痴?为谁痛?为谁害了心病?瞬间,他百感交集。Who are you crazy? For whom pain? Who hurt heart disease? Instantly, he have mixed feelings.

因此,1984年我在开幕仪式上真正进场时,可谓百感交集。So when I actually marched in the opening ceremonies in 1984, it was pretty emotional for me.

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德仕看见瑞薏的背影,百感交集,最终按捺不住冲上前从后拥抱她。DE shi saw job back, mixed feelings, finally unbearable rushed forward from behind embrace her.

光阴流逝,尚宇回到了韩国,他百感交集地站在仁顺的三明治店铺门前。The years passed, ShangYu came back to Korea, he stood in a mixture RenShun sandwich shop door.

一不留神就会钻进你的脑海里,折磨得人百感交集不能自拔。Drilling will be a inattentive mind you, find themselves unable to torture people with feelings.