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小心火烛。Beware of fire.

刮面要小心。Shave carefully.

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小心夹手!Watch your hand!

去吧,要小心。Go, and be careful.

小心猫头鹰!Watch out for owls!

我会小心照看它们。I watch out for them.

小心你的邻居。Watch your neighbors.

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要一直跟紧我并小心猫!Be careful of the cat!

谨慎小心会导致忧心忡忡。Wise care begets care.

小心火烛!Be careful about fires!

不小心扎伤手指。Careless finger pricks.

但是一定要小心。Do be careful, however.

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让我们更小心一点吧!Let us be more careful!

哎呀!我不小心犯了个蠢错误。Oops! I made a boo-boo.

请小心那些缆绳。Be careful of the ropes.

小心刻度。Watch out for the scale.

赖瑞尽可能小心地骑。As carefully as he could.

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熨衣服时要小心。Be careful while ironing.

小心小心,我要跌下去了!Be careful, I am falling!

请多加小心,这是易碎品。Be careful, it's fragile.