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液氧具有顺磁性。Liquid oxygen is paramagnetic.

与表带磁性按扣。Magnetic snap closure with strap.

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高导磁性铁芯。High magnetic conductive steel core.

事实上,我们有一个非磁性冰箱。In fact, we have a nonmagnetic fridge.

它与磁性也没有关系。It also has nothing to do with magnetism.

快速释放磁性可拆卸式电源线。Quick-release magnetic detachable power cord.

当我们见面时,我感觉被她磁性般地吸住。I felt an instant magnetism when our eyes met.

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这个磁性很强的磁铁磁化了这个铁刮胡刀。The strong magnet magnetized the iron shavings.

磁性系统内部的电梯井的墙壁,没有正常的电气控制。She told me I had fallen down an elevator shaft.

那么,南北极磁性就代表。But if its south-north, this will represent zero.

磁性检测机检测金属物品的设备。Magnetometer Device used to detect metal objects.

产生的结果就是顺磁性。And so what happens is the result is paramagnetism.

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水电气和设备费反磁性。Device charges water electrically and magnetically.

在室温时,所有的金属都是顺磁性的。At room temperature all the metals are paramagnetic.

钻铤必须是由非磁性物质做成的。The drill collars must be made of nonmagnetic material.

今天我们做的这个是可以关闭磁性的,因而它被称作电磁铁。This one can be and is therefor called an electromagnet.

我但愿它更加有磁性。我总是想让自己听起来更成熟。I wish it was raspier, I've always wanted to sound older.

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当然DCT也提供传统的磁性分张装置。Of course, they also offer the traditional magnetic type.

当他们可能破坏矩阵时,使用磁性的搅动者避免。Avoid using magnetic stirrers as they may damage the matrix.

样品具有表观超顺磁性。The synthesized sample exhibits apparent superparamagnetism.