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他们知道事业正义,并因此斗志昂扬。They knew of it and motivated by it.

他们奔向战场时哼着歌,年少力强,斗志昂扬They went with songs to the battle, they were young

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他们奔向战场时哼着歌,年少力强,斗志昂扬。They went with songs to the battle, they were young.

我能看到他的成熟和斗志昂扬,”马拉多纳说。I saw that he's mature and full of will, " Maradona said.

回首昨日,青春激扬,斗志昂扬。Looking back on yesterday youth and boosting high-spirited.

切尔西则斗志昂扬、寸土必争、会在球场上拼到比赛的最后一分钟。Chelsea fight, scrap and keep battling until the very last minute.

她不管多么艰难继续斗志昂扬地工作。She continued to work in a blithe spirit in spite of all difficulties.

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青春飞扬,斗志昂扬,让我们走在时间前面,追赶朝阳。Floating youth, high spirit, let us walk in front of time, after sunrise.

“是我们让中国车手斗志昂扬的,”他说,他也发誓要夺回这项世界纪录。"We're putting the fire in their eye," he says, vowing to reclaim the record.

接下来要挑战的将是一个斗志昂扬的对手。,因为帕尔马需要摆脱降级区。Their next test is against a very motivated outfit, as Parma need to escape the relegation zone.

在一阵阵的加油呐喊中我明显感觉到了对手的孤单和我方队员的斗志昂扬。Compared with our passional cheering squad and high-moraled players, the rivals looked quite alone.

尤文图斯对这场比赛斗志昂扬,但是莱帅坚信,他的队伍不会从都灵空手而回。Juventus are fired up for the game, but Leonardo insists his side won't be left out in the cold in Turin.

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他又口口声声地庇护的这个行业去斗志昂扬地复辟已经被英国人于1710年颠覆的传统。He speaks for an industry that is instead fighting to restore the tradition that the British overturned in 1710.

这是一场斗志昂扬的比赛,我们在热刺和曼联主场表现同样勇敢,却颗粒无收。It was a spirited display, but we have done the same at Tottenham and Manchester United and come away with nothing.

运用下表中有效的方法,可以让你的员工参与其中,并持续处于斗志昂扬的状态。Use the following checklist of effective techniques to keep your employees involved and motivated on an ongoing basis.

随着剧情的发展,面临日寇和内鬼的两面夹击,英雄们依然斗志昂扬。Along with the development of the plot, facing the Japanese aggressors and the ghost enveloped, still atttide of heroes.

一番谈话另高凌风斗志昂扬,并踏上了艰难的收服之路。Annals of wind scoop of additional Gao Ling of a talk is high-spirited, set foot on hardship control the route that take.

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不不仅仅能学到新东西,这类课程还能让你斗志昂扬,学会健康的生活方式。You'll not only learn something new, but paying for a course will help keep you motivated and committed to a healthy lifestyle.

这场胜利将会极大的鼓舞切尔西上下并全军斗志昂扬的出战下周二的冠军联赛对手利物浦队。The win will be the perfect boost for Chelsea ahead of their vital UEFA Champions League semi-final with Liverpool next Tuesday.

斗志昂扬的史蒂夫•杰拉德支持费尔南多•托雷斯,认为他能打破利物浦在斯坦福桥零进球的记录,确保利物浦在莫斯科的一席之地。A defiant Steven Gerrard has backed Fernando Torres to break Liverpool's goalless record at Stamford Bridge to secure a place in Moscow.