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白云谦逊地站在天之一隅。晨光给它戴上霞彩。The cloud stood humbly in a cor.

即使困于一隅。水仍能另辟蹊径。And when trapped, water makes a new path.

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我们看到他更偏爱把自己隐藏一隅。We’ve seen what he preferred to keep hidden.

你宁愿偏安一隅,而不愿在战火中驰骋吗?And did you exchange a walk on part in the war

白云谦和地站在天之一隅。The cloud stood humbly in full ofive pgood of the sky.

今夜,我怅坐一隅静静地想你。Tonight, I sit in a corner gloomily and miss you silently.

由于她的存在,这沙漠的一隅变得如此美丽。and this corner of the desert became so beautiful because of her.

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但是,最终我们还是会被抛弃在这冰冷无心的宫中一隅。But eventually we are abandoned in a corner of the heartless palace.

城市中狭小的一隅怎能凝聚如此丰富的创造力?How can so much creativity be confined into one tiny area of the city?

居室一隅巧设计,小小阳台变茶室。Bedroom corner is designed opportunely , small balcony changes teahouse.

他居住的地方就在阳台的一隅,在那放着杜尔茜花盆的地方。It is the corner of the terrace where the pot of the tulsi plant stands.

在云彩站在天之一隅,夕阳为她披上霞彩。Stand in a corner of the sky in the clouds, the sun for her clothed with splendour.

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静处一隅人们可以放松享受,但孤独又是人性不可接受的。Living solitarily makes people relax, but loneliness is unacceptable by human nature.

白云谦逊的站在天之一隅,晨光冠之以辉煌。The cloud stood humbly in a corner of the sky, the morning crowned it with splendour.

白云谦逊地站在天之一隅。晨光冠之以辉煌。The cloud stood humbly in a corner of the sky. The morning crowned it with splendour.

白云谦逊地站在天之一隅。晨光冠之以辉煌。The cloud stood humbly in a corner of the sky. The morning crowner it with splendour.

都总有不为人知的痛楚。在阳光渗透不到的那最深一隅。Are always have not known the pain. In the deepest less sunlight penetration cornered.

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村庄风雨飘摇地栖息于6000多英尺高的陡峭山壁的一隅。The village is precariously perched on the side of a very steep hill about 6,000ft up.

村庄风雨飘摇地栖息于6000多英尺高的陡峭山壁的一隅。The village is precariously perched on the side of a very steep hill about 6, 000ft up.

浩翰的大千世界,一个人只能占据其中微小的一隅。Compared with the vastness of the universe it is only a tiny spot one occupies on earth.