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即一万亿分之一特斯拉,特斯拉是磁感应强度的计量单位。The tesla is the unit that defines magnetic field strength.

结构紧凑,磁感应强度高,线圈使用寿命长。Compact, high magnetic induction intensity and long coil service life.

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用磁标势法计算了圆形线电流的磁感应强度。Magnetic induction of a circular current is calculated using magnetic scalar potential.

为了获得更准确的磁场矢量信号,自制集成三维霍尔探头进行磁感应强度测量。A self-making three-dimensional Hall probe and 9104 force-sensor were used in the experiment.

当磁感应强度增加到一定值时,其误差几乎不变。While the relative error hardly changes if magnetic induction strength increases to some value.

随着样品厚度的增加纤维的磁感应强度明显加大。The magnetic induction intensity of the fibers raised with increasing of thickness of the fiber.

研究结果表明,杀菌效果随磁感应强度的增强而增强,随脉冲数的增加而增强。It was confirmed that the effect was improved with the rising of magnetic intensity and pulsed number.

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随着纤维的皮芯比的增加和拉伸倍数的提高,纤维的磁感应强度下降。Magnetization of the fibers reduced with increasing of draw ratio and core-sheath ratio of the fibers.

探讨了传导电流的分布与磁感应强度B、磁场强度H和磁化电流的分布的关系。The relation between conduction current distribution and distribution of B, H and magnetizing current are discussed as well.

文中以铝硅合金中的富铁相杂质颗粒为分离对象,利用流动试验研究了磁感应强度、分离通道截面形状和金属熔体回路尺寸对分离效率的影响。Study is made on the influence of electromagnetic field on iron-rich phase of the Al-Si alloy with Mn as de-ironing additive.

在这种方法中,基本未知量不仅包括机械位移、电势和磁势,还采用了某些应力分量、电位移和磁感应强度。Besides displacements, electric potential and magnetic potential and some of the stress components are chosen as basic unknowns.

很多物理量如力、速度、位移以及电场强度、磁感应强度等都是向量。A lot of measure in Physics are vectors, such as force, velocity, displacement, electrical field strength, and magnetic strength.

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在此最佳气隙值条件下,可以得到最大磁感应强度增量△B値及最小激磁磁场强度H値。Under this condition, the maxi- mum variation density of line of magnetic force AB and the minimum field density H can be obtained.

等离子体的电子碰撞频率和磁感应强度是调节等离子体反射率的重要参量。The electronic collisional frequency and magnetic inductive intensity are important parameters of plasma for adjusting the reflectance.

通过控制保护浇注时弯月面附近的磁感应强度来确定工作电流。The running currents have been established by controlling the magnetic induction intensity nearby the meniscus when protection casting.

为了保证各流铸坯质量一致,必须对各流结晶器内的磁感应强度经常进行测定。For the consistent of each flow casting billet quality, the magnetic induction intensity of each flow mould must be measured frequently.

将具有优良电磁性能的钐钴永磁用于同轴磁控管磁路系统中,可以以较小体积激励出磁感应强度高的近均匀磁场。Sm-Co permanent magnets were used in the magnetic circuitry of a coaxial magnetron to produce a small volume, high intensity magnetic field.

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用有限元软件对不同条件下机车信号传感器线圈铁芯中的磁感应强度进行了仿真,从而确定了传感器的几个重要参数。The magnetic induction intensities in sensor under various conditions was emulated by using FEM software and gained the important parameters.

随着频率的升高,即使在磁感应强度较低时,涡流损耗和剩余损耗的影响不容忽视,且两者都随温度的升高而升高。With an increase of the frequency and temperature, the eddy current loss and residual loss contributed to the total loss at the low induction.

介绍了如何利用示波器观察和测量铁磁物质的磁滞回线、剩余磁感应强度和矫顽力。It introduces that how to watch and measure the hysteresis loop-line, residual magnet and coercive force of ferromagnet through an oscillograph.