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我灵机一动,想到了问题关键That told me the answer.

突然我灵机一动。Then I had a brainstorm.

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灵机一动,在纸上生出平时想不出的想法Brainstormed on paper brought about different ideas.

东方朔灵机一动,想出一个“照方抓药”的计谋。His inspiration, come up with a "imitative" strategy.

后来她灵机一动,恐惧的大脑想出一个主意。Thensuddenly, an idea came into her racing, terrified brain.

正在这灰心绝望的时刻,他忽然灵机一动,计上心来。At this dark and hopeless moment an inspiration burst upon him!

一旦到了有生命危险的关键时刻,他总能灵机一动想出逃脱的方法。Once being in danger of life, he would hit on the way to escape.

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她灵机一动,何不通过右少见到杜自远。Why dont she a brainwave, through right rare to du from far away.

一天,当拉里坐在屋外的折椅上时,突然灵机一动。One day, while sitting outside in his lawn chair, Larry had his eureka moment.

我不断地踢呀踢,我灵机一动,我用腿踢,同时用双手推,成功啦。Then I had an idea. I kicked my legs, at the same time as pushing with my hands.

创作漫画的念头同时也使尼斯里灵机一动,创办了一个儿童漫画学习班。The idea for the posters grew out of a children’s comics workshop Knisley teaches.

他灵机一动,把地图撕下来,耐心地撕成小块。He got an idea. He removed the map, and then patiently tore it up into small pieces.

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在这篇文章上她煞费苦心达数周之久后,突然间灵机一动找到了布局的方法。After toiling at the article for weeks, she suddenly found the right way to organize it.

绵羊老师灵机一动,想到了一个好办法,他找来一个石头人,放在教室里。The sheep teacher , thought of a good way, he found a stone man, placed in the classroom.

尝试新事物能帮助你得到灵感,也许能让你灵机一动想到新的工作机会。Doing something new can help you get inspired and perhaps even think about new job possibilities.

当他告诉我他的诊断时,我灵机一动,赶紧去查科学美国人的文章,发现了下面这段。When he told me his diagnosis, it rang a bell.So I went through the Scientific American archives.

我灵机一动,在石头圈内又垒一个坝,并将坝的入口封得死死的,这样蝌蚪就跑不掉了。I had an idea that I had a small circle in the big one. There was no entrance in the small circle.

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这样的灵机一动,却把数据视觉化这一新兴领域呈现给了主流受众。It was an instant hit—and brought the nascent field of data visualisation to a mainstream audience.

他灵机一动赶紧跑出去把雪茄、香烟、甚至那盒安全火柴锁好。Inspired, he rushed out and locked up his cigars, his cigarettes, and even his box of safety matches.

他灵机一动决定炸掉他们的军火库这样谁都用不了才能皆大欢喜。He has a brainwave decided to blow up their arsenals in this way can everyone in alls well that ends well.