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色彩艳丽、栩栩如生的面塑寿桃。Colorful and vivid dough moulded peaches.

这些惟妙惟肖的面塑福娃出自一个13岁的中国男孩之手。These Fuwa dough figurines are made by a 13-year-old boy.

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这套面塑人物真是做工精巧,栩栩如生。This set of dough modeling creatures is delicate, and vivid.

山东民间面塑的价值及发展对策研究。The value and developing countermeasure of Shandong Dough Statue.

我曾从事面塑工作多年,深深地热爱这门艺术。Having worked on dough figurines for years, I have a deep passion for them.

大厅还有民间面塑艺术家的现场面塑制作。Besides, the guests can enjoy the live show of dough making by folk artists in hall.

面塑是中国的一种民间工艺,俗称面人或者江米人。Dough Figurines are Chinese traditional art form and is commonly known as sticky rice flour toys.

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欣赏到了泥人、面塑等各种非物质文化遗产项目的展览展示。Enjoy the clay figurine, figurines and other items of non-material cultural heritage exhibitions.

面塑的制作原料非常简单,只需要面粉、颜料和水等,就可以变幻出色彩斑斓、形象逼真的艺术作品。The mere ingredients such as flour, pigments, and water could turn into vivid crafts of various colours.

2014年2月9日,山东聊城的民间艺人付心喜展示自己做的“面塑情侣”。Fu Xinxi, a folk artist in Liaocheng, Shandong province, shows his "lover dough figurines" on Feb 9, 2014.

面塑艺术是中国工艺美术大花园中的一朵小花,有着悠久的历史。Simply a little flower in the garden of Chinese arts and crafts, dough figurine making has a long history.

在英国教面塑的这段经历帮助我真正地认识到中国传统文化的博大精深,认识到从事这项工作的意义和价值。My experience in the UK helped me realize the depth and breadth of traditional Chinese culture as well as the value of my work.

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这些面塑人偶以蒸熟的面粉、糯米粉及甘油为主要原料,根据情侣提供的照片为原型制作而成。They are made from steamed wheat flour, glutinous rice flour and glycerin, and are created based on pictures provided by the couples.

看到他们对传统中国文化有这样高的兴趣,我感到很骄傲,毕竟在刚刚的演示会上,是面塑这个小小的工艺品展示出了中国民间文化的魅力。Incredible! "I was proud to see they were fascinated by Chinese culture. After all, the figurines, small as they were, had showcased the charm of Chinese folk art."

奥运福娃比较受大家的欢迎,因为我会面塑,了解一点技术,所以我想用我自己的方式表达一下对奥运会的支持。Lots of people like Fuwa because they are the symbols for the Beijing Games.I know how to make dough figurines and I want to show my support by making the five Fuwa.

奥运福娃比较受大家的欢迎,因为我会面塑,了解一点技术,所以我想用我自己的方式表达一下对奥运会的支持。Lots of people like Fuwa because they are the symbols for the Beijing Games. I know how to make dough figurines and I want to show my support by making the five Fuwa.

陕北的绥德、米脂以及延安一带是不做面人的,因为面塑通常还是用来吃的,而将面人蒸着吃了的事在他们看来是不可思议的!Suide northern Shaanxi, Yan'an Mizhi and surface area is people do not do as figurines or to eat normally, but will eat steamed flour thing in their view is incredible!

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面塑艺术在中国有几位著名的艺术家,其中就包括我的父亲郎绍安,我父亲主要做脸谱、盔甲人、刀马人比较多。There are several big names in the circle of dough figurines.My father Lang Shao’an is one of them.He was good at making masks, armored characters and fighting soldiers.

面塑艺术在中国有几位著名的艺术家,其中就包括我的父亲郎绍安,我父亲主要做脸谱、盔甲人、刀马人比较多。There are several big names in the circle of dough figurines. My father Lang Shao'an is one of them. He was good at making masks, armored characters and fighting soldiers.

面塑的存在与发展是不能脱离开民俗这一事象,同时它也是民俗文化中的个体艺术,是民俗文化的重要组成部分,也是民俗文化传承的载体。The development and existence of dough statutes can't be separated from the folk customs, which are individual art forms, important parts and inheriting carrier of folk culture.