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对准,喀嚓,叹气。Aim, click, sigh.

他长叹气一声。She gave a long sigh.

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他听到一声颇有同感的叹气声。He heard an I-thought-so sigh.

我用标点符号叹气。And I sigh with my punctuations.

他像演戏似地又哭泣又叹气,来表现他的痛苦。He dramatizes his woes with sobs and sighs.

你说我名字的时候为什么总要叹气呢?Why do you always sigh when you say my name?

沉寂了片刻之后,学生们爆发出了叹气声。Freezing briefly, the students erupted in moans.

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接着,我深深叹气,坐回到我的椅子上。Then I sigh, deeply, and sit back into my chair.

改良叹气法是肺复张的一种方法。Modified sigh is a kind of recruitment maneuvers.

客人们看着事情的发展,摇头叹气,鸦雀无声。The guests watched and winced in absolute silence.

“我生错了年代,”他叹气说道。"I was born in the wrong time, " he says, sighing.

他的马悲哀地嘶叫着,马夫也回头望着楚国叹气。His horse neighed and his groom looked back at Ch'u.

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金妮的妈妈叹气连连,猜想肯定是电话费没交。Ginny's mom sighed and figured the bill hadn't been paid.

不要翻白眼、大声叹气、打游击战。No eye-rolling, no heavy sighing, no guerilla activities.

阳光下,他坐在屋瓦上轻声地叹气。She sighed slightly as she sat on shingle in the sunshine.

不要叹气。每叹一口气,就会少一分自信。Don't sigh. The more you sign, the more confidence you lose.

她坐下来开始叹气,真希望这样的夜晚永远不要结束。She sat down and sighed, wishing the night could go on forever.

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“到我这个年纪再学一门外语就难了”,一个伊拉克人叹气道。“It's hard learning a new language at my age,” sighs one Iraqi.

种子不落在肥土而落在瓦砾中,有生命力的种子决不会悲观和叹气,因为有了阻力才有磨炼。The seed does not choose to fall on fertile land but among debris.

我叹气道,因为我们怀疑是否能避开与珍妮•穆雷一起吃披萨。I wailed, as we wondered if we could escape for a pizza with Jenni Murray.