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轻粒子,夸克。Leptons, quarks.

是夸克和反夸克。It's quark and antiquark.

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像反夸克,反质子等等。Thus, antiquark, antiproton, etc.

支配者侧了由二夸克。A Dominator flanked by two Quarks.

震撼者投放夸克炸弹。Shockers drop a single Quark Bomb.

在夸克之间存在力的作用There are forces between the quarks.

第五章我们处理多夸克态。In Chapter 5 we investigate the multi-quark states.

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当中微子使一种夸克转化为另一种夸克时,会发射出一个轻子。When a neutrino transforms a quark, a lepton is emitted.

但这种夸克——胶子原始宇宙物质混合体的属性如何呢?But what was the nature of this quark-gluon primordial soup?

这些作用力源于快速运动,剧烈地相互作用的夸克。These arise among fast-moving quarks in intense interaction.

很有可能,用这台加速器就能够找到部分子或夸克。Perhaps partons or quarks will be found with this accelerator.

在标准模型中,强子是由夸克构成的。In standard model, hadrons is made up of quarks and anti-quarks.

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家人和朋友都夸克莱尔,说是她让劳伦特消停下来的。Family and friends give Claire credit for slowing Laurent down10.

当一个碰撞撞击出一个夸克时就会形成一个喷注。A jet arises when a collision kicks out a particle called a quark.

他曾研究过超新星、夸克物质与星系间的气体云。He has studied supernovae, quark matter and intergalactic gas clouds.

超高效的粒子加速器将于80年代投入夸克探索的工作之中。Superpotent atom smashers will undertake the quark quest in the 1980s.

强子分类,强子的么正对称性,夸克模型。Classifications of hadrons, unitarity symmetries of hadron, quark model.

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夸克不仅带有重子数、电荷,而且也带有轻子荷。The quarks have not only baryon number and charge but also lepton charge.

换句话来说,类似轻子和夸克这种没有更进一步结构的粒子。In other words, particles such as leptons and quarks have no substructure.

在这基础上分析了胶子喷注与夸克喷注的区别。The difference between gluon jet and quark jet is analyzed on these basis.