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他策马跑上山包。He ran hellos horse up the helloll.

小山包上长着一簇低矮的灌木丛。Ran a hill tufted with small bushes.

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你说的是山包中间那棵柳树吗?B. You mean the willow tree beside the mill?

他们新的前哨阵地设在一座小山包顶上。Their new outpost was on the crest of a hill.

奖励机制取决于开采系统为攻克小山包作出了多大的贡献。The incentive is based on how much a miner contributes to the solution.

在山体滑坡的表面,我们能够看到有趣的山包,盘绕的丘陵和悬崖。Interesting hummocks, swirls and ridges are found on the surface of the landslide.

青烟和灰烬飞得老高,站在几里远的山包上都清晰可见。Smoke and ash fly high in the sky, standing on the hill a few miles are clearly visible.

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我可不想被吃掉。我爬起来就跑。前面一座小山包冒了出来——陡陡峭峭地。I decided I would rather not be eaten. I got up and ran. Ahead of me a hill rose steeply.

把车开到郊外,找一个绿草匆匆的小山包,然后和伴侣躺在那里一起看着云彩。Drive into the country, find a grassy hill and lie with your partner and look up at the clouds.

对这个山包挖掘后发现了大量破碎罐子。Excavations of the mound revealed deposits containing a surprisingly large number of broken pots.

但是战场被树木被遮挡,在小山包上观看战斗的人群只能看到一点点战场的情形。But the battleground was covered so thickly with trees that the crowds saw little of the fighting.

成百上千的男男女女站在圣特威尔附近一个小山包上观看这场战斗,这小山包下面就是布尔朗。Hundreds of men and women watched the fight from a hill near Centreville. Below them was Bull Run.

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不时地,他们看到北方军官跑到小山包来报告他们取得了重大的胜利。From time to time, Union officers would ride up the hill to report what a great victory their troops were winning.

这种方法可在频域就三维轴对称凸起山包对地震波的散射进行分析。The seismic scattering by three-dimensional topography of a hill can be analyzed by the method in frequency domain.

离一个巨屋不远的地方有个阿尔托村庄,考古学家在那里发现了一个由古代材料堆积成的山包。Close to one house, called Pueblo Alto, archaeologists identified an enormous mound formed by a pile of old material.

于是,他们有时候就一起去附近的山包上捉虫子,然后烧着吃,他们管这个叫作“开昆虫PARTY”。Then sometimes they will go to catch insects on nearby hills together, and bake those insects, they called that “insetcs party”.

从发球台开球将球打向球场内最宽的球道,球道由左右两侧沙坑和种植本地草的山包护卫。The tee shot is to the widest fairway on the golf course guarded by left and right bunkers and native grass mounds in the fairway.

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打球的判断和打球的表现同样重要,用人工化的山包确定目标区域减少了判断的价值。Judgment of the shot is as important as execution, and defining the target areas with artificial mounding reduces the value of judgment.

这说明这个山包知识一个建筑材料垃圾堆,都是一些用后抛弃或者在建筑过程中没有用完的材料。This suggests that the mound is just a trash heap of construction material, stuff that was thrown away or not used up when a house was being built.

正当他们在察看河鼠提到的一个小山包时,鼹鼠突然尖叫一声,脸朝下摔了个嘴啃泥。They were investigating one of the hummocky bits the Rat had spoken of, when suddenly the Mole tripped up and fell forward on his face with a squeal.