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做一个杂烩。Make a blob.

第一次吃了这么多碗的杂烩。The first of countless bowls of chowder.

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我们做出全法国最鲜美的蔬菜杂烩。We produce the finest Ratatouille in all of France.

在加拿大,普丁是杂烩型,加料版本的肉汁薯条。Poutine is a messy, rich version of gravy fries in Canada.

爸爸说,可能是我们的祖先发明了这种海鲜杂烩浓汤吧。My father says that our early ancestors may have invented chowder.

很有可能是个政治动荡和外交纷争的杂烩。Probably with mixture of political upheaval and diplomatic intrigue.

事实上,曼迪哥最早研制出的是一种仿猪排杂烩。The original concoction Mandigo made was formed as a faux pork chop.

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蛤蜊海鲜杂烩里面还有蛤蜊和鱼类高汤。Clam chowders have --- as the name suggests --- clams and fish stock.

她是一名技艺高超的厨师,她每个周日晚上都要做蛤俐杂烩汤,还有玉米面包。She was a great cook. She would make clam chowder and cornbread every Sunday night.

这个城市就像一个巨大的杂烩大煮锅,引得来自不同国度的天才艺术家纷至沓来。The melting pot of the city has merged the talent of artists with their various origins.

配搭新英格兰式的玉米鳕鱼杂烩或麦片玉米粽子。Best paired with New England style corn-and-cod chowder or Portobello and polenta tamales.

它的口味和样子与新英格兰的蛤杂烩惊人地相似,也是放在面包“碗”中。It is uncannily similar in taste and look to New England clam chowder served in bread bowls.

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男孩子们在准备他们的晚餐,蛤蜊海鲜杂烩浓汤和法国面包中,度过美好时光。The boys were having a great time preparing their own dinner, Clam Chowders and French bread.

我和你在一起的时候很开心,你精通于煮蕃茄酱,干乳酪,碎肉和面条的杂烩。I'm happy when I'mwith you, you melange of tomato paste, ricotta cheese, ground meat and pasta.

我经常坐在它的那个小阳台上,俯视下面的街道,一边吃着炒杂烩,一边品着啤酒。I used to sit on its small balcony overlooking the street and read my book over Chop Suey and beer.

现在我听到有一些嘈杂声,是弗格森被他的苏格兰羊杂碎噎住了吗,还是贝尼特斯被他的炖杂烩噎住了呢?Now what's that noise I can hear, Ferguson choking on his haggis or Benitez -choking on his Scouse?

如果您做了一个“大杂烩式”的安装,那么结果您就得维护一些只有“杂烩”价值的软件包。If you do a "kitchen sink" install, you wind up with a kitchen sink's worth of packages to maintain.

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当然!我在这里吃过好几次炖杂烩,我也喜欢披头士乐队,所以说我不能偏离的太远。Yeah. I'll be there eating a bit of Scouse. I like the Beatles as well, so I can't go too far wrong.

在我们的杂烩饭的上面,加入小红莓和梨,为一顿丰盛的冬季大餐。Serve on top our rice pilaf , full of ginger-infused cranberries and pears, for a rich and hearty winter meal.

佐餐可以配以西班牙杂烩菜饭、龙虾、虾仁、新鲜的金枪鱼等,也可以做开胃酒,或者和甜品一同饮用。Serve with paella, lobster, shrimp, fresh tuna, salmon, sauces with olive oil, as an aperitif or with desserts.