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林志,我昨晚收到约稿涵了。Last night, I LinZhi culvert manuscripts received.

当布达佩斯的一位教材出版商来向教授约稿时,教授很是吃惊。The professor was startled that a Budapest textbook publisher was coming to him.

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一个月后,我收到一份合同、一份预付款,以及另一本书的约稿。A month later I received a contract, an advance on royalties, and a request to start working on another book.

一个月后,我收到一份合同、一份预付款和特许权,以及另一本书的约稿。A month later I received a contract, an advance and royalties, and a request to start working on another book.

他仔细的看了看这封约稿涵,“故事围绕一个公寓来写,要求写恐怖诡异的小说。”He looked at it carefully sealed manuscripts, "the story revolves around an apartment to write, asked to write fiction."

报刊社的约稿通知是要约邀请,对作者不具有法律约束力。Notice soliciting contributions of newspapers and periodicals offices is non-firm offer, it has no binding force of law to author.

“重点选题”、“重点约稿”、“主要栏目和版面”等是进行理论创新行之有效的手段。"Key selected topics", "key arrangement contribution" and "main column" are the effective measures for the theoretical innovation.

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对于学术期刊来说,特别是普通高校学报,要想提高其学术质量,没有约稿几乎是不可能的。As for academic journals, especially the ones of common universities, it is impossible to improve their quality if there are no solicited contributions.

今天接到一位编辑朋友的约稿函,请我就南方暴雪问题写点什么。Today I received a letter from an editor friend of mine inviting me to write an article, inviting me to write something about the blizzards in the south.

一整天他都无法让自己的心平静下来,他开心的似乎有些歇斯底里,他想要告诉全世界的人这个消息,终于有杂志社给他发约稿涵。All he can to calm myself down, he seems some hysterical, he wants to tell the person of whole world, I finally have the news magazine sent him manuscripts culverts.

蒙杂志社约稿,本文简介了该区钻井液净化系统的布局、装置和使用结果。Being asked by the magazine agency, the author presents the overall arrangement, installation and applied result of the drilling fluid purifying system used at this region.

因为思维转变心路宽了,写的稿子先开始没人理会,渐渐的就有刊物杂志约稿,她越来越自信,但也越来越平和。Because of the shift in thinking mind wide, script started nobody, gradually have the journal manuscripts, she became more and more confident, but also more and more peaceful.

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除了科学文献外,TropIKA.net的网站还提供对传染病的一般情况、新闻、专门约稿的对该领域关键问题的综述、以及科学和战略方面的政策简述。Besides academic literature, the website also provides overviews of infectious diseases, news, commissioned reviews on key issues in the field, and scientific and strategic policy briefs.