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好的,让我们一起握拳。Well, let's make a fist.

屏幕上的手便握拳。The hand on the screen closes.

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一半的参与者握拳而另一半不握拳。Half clenched their fists, half didn't.

一半参与者握紧了拳头,另一半则没有握拳。Half clenched their fists, half didn’t.

一般教科书认为,摆臂动作手指应是半握拳式。In textbooks, the former one is regarded better.

握拳时多数是拇指内收。Make a fist when the majority of the thumb adduction.

他双手握拳,双眉紧蹙,嘴唇紧闭。He clinched his hands. He knitted his brows and tightened his lips.

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那只紧紧握拳的手是否会松开一些,无疑要看他们。Whether or not that hand becomes less clenched is really up to them.

正确的绳结中间会有一个圈,大小刚好可以塞进一个握拳。Correct 'Tying in' creates a 'central loop', just big enough to put a clenched fist through.

北美一项研究发现,运动员在获胜后握拳振臂之类的庆祝动作是与生俱来的自然反应。A North American study says gestures like fist-pumping by victorious athletes come naturally.

我戴著长长的指甲,它使我既不能握拳,否则会折断它。I would have these long fingernails glued on, and I couldn’t clench my fists or I’d break them.

图纸的人的血液可能配合乐队在你上臂,并要求您握拳。The person drawing the blood might tie a band around your upper arm and ask you to make a fist.

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怎么找?后溪穴在手握拳时,掌指关键关键后横纹的尽头处。How to find? Houxi point in holding the punch, metacarpophalangeal key after the end of the band.

结果证明握拳的那一半中有更多的人选择观看图片以提供帮助。And a much larger percentage of those who clenched were able to watch the images and pledge to help.

右手握拳并向外伸展至肩膀的高度,用左手握着右手臂下方的赘肉。The right to clench fist and stretched to shoulder height, use left hand holding the right arm below the dewlap.

你只需双手握拳,用指关节轻轻的按摩脸颊下部就可帮助你放松下巴处的肌肉。Release these muscles by making fists with both of your hands and massaging the area with your knuckles just under your cheek bones.

在扭转体式会受到肩部的影响,因此开肩体式能为扭转做准备,例如背后祈祷式,牛面式,双手十指在背后交叉握拳。Shoulder-opening poses such as reverse prayer, gomukhasana, fingers interlaced behind back, prepare the shoulders for twists that involve binding.

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在豹子的另一边端坐着一个健硕的裸体男子,他手肘支在膝头,手握拳托着腮帮子,全然一副痛苦不堪的样子。Beyond the leopard was a naked, muscular gentleman, who sat, looking down, with his chin on his fist and his elbow on his knee. He seemed utterly miserable.

但犹他大学的研究者们指出,这种现象是和人类能够握拳这一现象同时出现的。Butt researchers at the University of Utah point out that they developed around the same time as humans acquired the ability to curl their hand into a club-like fist.

保持双手半握拳,手指轻抵手掌,恰似你每只手攥着一片薯片,但不能压碎它的感觉。Keep your hands in an unclenched fist, with your fingers lightly touching your palms. Imagine yourself trying to carry a potato chip in each hand without crushing it.