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这个被定罪要被处死在髑髅地的人。The Man condemned to die on Calvary.

就以你这个髑髅头来说,你本来是由一堆物质构成的。As far as a skull is concerned, you are composed of material.

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髑髅地。我们把营销部的人堵在二层了。瓮中之鳖。Golgotha. We've got Marketing bottled up on the second floor.

他在路旁的草丛中发现了一具髑髅,估计有上百年了。He found a skull of more than a hundred years exposing on the lawn.

直至到耶稣在髑髅地被钉至复活,她的信心不变。She had faith in Christ right on through Calvary and the resurrection.

正是这份爱驱使着耶稣一步一步走向髑髅地的十字架。This was the love which was pulling Jesus ever closer to Calvary's cross.

到了一个名叫哥耳哥达的地方,即称为「髑髅」的地方。And they came to the place that is called Golgotha, which is the place of Calvary.

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到了一个地方,名叫各各他,意思就是髑髅地。And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a skull

从上帝的荣光宝座到髑髅地的黑暗十字架,这段距离有多远?What is the distance from God' s throne of splendor down to the abyss of Calvary' s cross?

到了一个地方,名叫髑髅地,就在那里把耶稣钉在十字架上,又钉了两个犯人,一个在左边,一个在右边。And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left.

至于说到神释与物质结合而成为万物这件事,髑髅先生,你如今是否是在修炼养气,等待时机,准备再次为人呢?Mentioning the combination of soul and material to form all things, may I ask you, Mr. skull, are you staying here to practice and bide your time to form a human?

佛经中记载,修行到一定程度的人,他们手中拿著一具髑髅,就可以清楚地知道这具髑髅的前生以及目前的归属。Buddha has it that he, whose practice reaches a certain level, can retrospect the affairs of a dead man's living time when he hold the skull of this dead man in hand.

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神在髑髅地的十字架上为我们而战,并且他通过神圣的话语给我们宝贵的应许他将继续为我们而战。God fought the war for us on the cross of Calvary and he insists on continuing the fight for us through the precious promises that he lays before us in his Holy Word.

那几句用六世纪的拉丁文写成的诗引起了这样一个问题,那就是我们想知道髑髅地的那两个强盗的名字,究竟是象我们通常所承认的那样,叫狄马斯和哲斯塔斯呢还是叫做狄斯马斯和哲斯马斯。These verses in sixth century Latin raise the question whether the two thieves of Calvary were named, as is commonly believed, Dismas and Gestas, or Dismas and Gesmas.

提出以上质疑者,对上帝的独生子在客西马尼园和髑髅地所受的苦难,没有充分体会。Whoever proposes these objections lacks an appreciation of the sufferings of the Son of God when the weight of sins of the world crushed out His life in Gethsemane and Calvary.