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那个站只有慢车才有停靠。Only slow trains stop at that station.

他赶上去伯明翰的慢车。He caught the slow train to Birmingham.

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男孩一路开着慢车跟着他们。The boy followed them all the way in his car.

她终于出现,微小的尘埃云她身后啊那么慢车。She eventually showed up, tiny little dust cloud behind her oh-so-slow cart.

坐快车吧,你可以节省很多时间。慢车每一个站都要停的。Take the express. It saves you a lot of time. The local train stops at every station.

越过人群,我听到一辆慢车驶过道口时的的信号声。Above the crowd I hear the clang of a crossing signal as a slow train rolls along the tracks.

即便我不与慢车接近,跟不上别的赛车依然会让我损失很多下压力。Even when you are not so close you lose so much downforce because you cannot follow other cars.

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他们很快就驶过了运送箱子的慢车,消失在山头后面看不见了。In a moment they had passed the slow cart with the box, and disappeared behind the shoulder of the hill.

在外道开慢车就会引起交通事故。还好这是非法的,可是就没被抓到几个。People who drive slowly in the outside lane cause accidents. Good that it's illegal, but sadly too few are caught.

高压转子驱动盖子孔探检查后没有盖好,工作后检查和地面慢车试车检查没有实施。HP rotor-drive covers were not refitted after the BSI, and post-inspection, ground idle engine tests were not conducted.

他乘坐慢车环绕浩淼的贝加尔湖,继续他的低碳旅程,这是西伯利亚所带来的众多惊喜之一。He continues his low-carbon odyssey with a slow train around vast Lake Baikal, one of the many unexpected delights of Siberia.

然而当前的政策还没有应用于慢车,而慢车的车票在高峰期才特别的难买。However the current policy does not apply for slow-moving trains, whose tickets are particularly hard to get during peak times.

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小火轮改开了慢车,迂回地转着一个大圆圈,这是在调头预备回上海。The launch slowed down as it swept round in a wide circle at the river's mouth, then headed back up the river towards Shanghai.

我们有很多趟去北京的列车,慢车、普快、直快、特快和旅游列车。We have many trains going to Beijing, the local train, the fast train, the through train, the express train, and the tourist train.

埃德•吉勒斯皮耶乘坐慢车环绕浩淼的贝加尔湖,继续他的低碳旅程,这是西伯利亚所带来的众多惊喜之一。Ed Gillespie continues his low-carbon odyssey with a slow train around vast Lake Baikal, one of the many unexpected delights of Siberia.

快车可以节省很多时间.慢车每站都停.当然了.快车要比慢车贵一些.The express will save you a lot of time, and the local train stops at every station.Of course, the express costs more than the local train.

发动机起动系统提供引气、燃油、点火及扭矩,以使发动机转动并加速到慢车所需的转速。The engine starting system provides air, fuel, ignition and torque for rotating the engine to an rpm at which the engine can accelerate to idle rpm.

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当地的一家电视台采访了福曼。他说因为信号灯要保证开慢车的人安全,它是定时的,所以他的速度达到了35千米/小时。A local television station spoke to Forman. He said he drove about 35 kilometers per hour because the lights are timed to reward safe, slower drivers.

很多网民强烈要求铁道部将火车票实名制的政策推广到慢车上,检查上车旅客的身份证和车票上的姓名是否一致。Many netizens urged the railway ministry to expand the real-name ticketing system to slower trains, and check boarding passengers' ID with names on the ticket.

不过我们考虑的是,如果我们用软胎发车,一开始会遇到慢车,在它们后面跟随时对轮胎的耗损并没有往常那么大,所以轮胎可以工作更长时间。But our thinking was that if we start with the soft, when you have traffic you don't use the tyres so hard so the tyres can survive a bit better than pushing all the time.