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不要忽视管的中段。Don't neglect the middles of tubes.

正常精子有一个头、中段和一个尾巴。Normal sperm have a head, mid-piece and a tail.

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断裂处位于焊接中段右下角处。The break in right down the middle of the weld.

但是到了学期中段,But then around the middle of the semester happens,

表壳中段凸耳销和谐的延伸出来。The case middle is harmoniously extended by the lugs.

他们的首个拦截导弹系统竟然是导弹中段拦截。The first interceptor they announce is a mid course one.

湘东南地区位于南岭中段北缘。Southeast Hunan lies on the margin of central Naning Mountains.

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在赛季中段,他展现了出了一种射手气质。Turkoglu went on a shooting streak in the middle of the season.

线粒体主要参与精子中段的形成。Mitochondria mainly take part in the formation of mid- piece of sperm.

位于太原市南部小店区学府街中段。Xiaodian District, located south of Taiyuan Middle Street institution.

公司位于河南省安阳市人民大道中段。Company is located in Anyang City, Henan Province People's Middle Road.

现在让我们来讨论一下从低端到中段镜子的最常见的像差问题。Let's start with the most common aberrations of low to mid-range scopes.

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中段为泪囊鼻腔造孔术需要凿通的部位。The middle portion is the surgical area of the nasolacrimal fistulation.

哲罗鱼的精子由头部、中段和尾部组成。The spermatozoon of Hucho taimen consisted of a head, a midpiece and a tail.

检查水管中段到水管两端束环处是否感觉有任何不同的异状。Check for any difference in feel between the middle and the ends of the hose.

建立家兔的股骨干中段骨折模型,骨园针髓腔内固定。Establish the rabbit's femoral shaft fracture and intramedullary fixation model.

尿常规检查尿染易漏诊,膀胱穿刺尿培养优于清洁中段尿培养。Examination of urine in bladder is better than regular urine examination method.

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萨哈尔在下半场中段替以色列上阵,但并无对比赛造成影响。Sahar comes on for Israel midway through the second-half but has little influence.

因此,中段尿培养在产前检查中实属必要。So, mid-stream clean catch urinary culture are necessary in antepartum examination.

离断组,于兔大腿中段完全离断后行再植。The rabbits undertook middle thighs bone disconnected and replanted in break group.