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我需要讲究效率。I needed to be effcient.

我会少讲究些卫生。I would be less hygienic.

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锻炼身体,讲究卫生。Do exercise and be hygiene.

肉类,则讲究刀工,即片。The meat is focus on slice.

艾咪过分讲究穿著。Amy fusses over her clothes.

你有没有觉得我穿的太讲究了?Do you think I'm overdressed?

不要过分讲究你的衣着。Don't fuss with your clothes.

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慢慢说,生活讲究清清楚楚,明明白白。Say it slow, make things clear.

你博学多才,衣着讲究。You're well read, well dressed.

正如我所说的,我完全赞同讲究效率。Like I say, I’m all for productivity.

她比以前更讲究穿着了。She has been more dressy than before.

在办公室,所以我的穿着要讲究。At an office, so we need to be dressy.

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轮回盘?有什么讲究吗?Transmigration plate? How does it work?

我们的文化原本就很讲究内敛,”龚说道。Our culture is introverted, " Gong says.

黛安娜王妃是一个很讲究穿戴的人,很难想象她花在衣服上的钱有多少。Princess Diana was a real clothes horse.

要防止病从口人就必需讲究卫生。Sanitation is necessary to prevent this.

安全管理讲究外圆内方。Safety management about the velvet glove.

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你瞧屋子那边那个衣着很讲究的人。See that well-dressed man across the room?

非我族类,有什么必要对它们讲究公平。The race, what I need to pay them justice.

设计价目表是个讲究技巧的工作。Designing a pricing table is a tricky task.