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他来了一个快速的反手击。He's got a fast backhand.

我的反手回球要更强一些。I have better backhand return.

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我擅长反手上旋球。I am good at the backhand topspin.

注意他的反手削球。Pay attention to his backhand chop.

让我们学习反手进攻打法。Let's learn backhand attacking play.

我的意思是不只正手击球和反手击球。I mean it's not only forehand, backhand.

注意她的反手弧圈球。Pay attention to her backhand loop drive.

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请跟我学。这是一个反手抽球。Follow me , please. This is a backhand smash.

你的网球一手反手,能不能教我?Your one-hand backhand, can you teach it to me?

刘涛反手推杀,但球出界了。Liu Tao backhand smashes, but the ball is outside.

她身高马大,肌肉健硕,经常使得单手的反手。She’s tall, muscular, and uses a one-handed backhand.

我们正在练习反手推挡。We are practising backhand topspin and backspin serves.

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你在学习发反手上旋球和下旋球。You are learning the backhand topspin and backspin serves.

加强正反手技术的成功率,使学员掌握基本的步伐移动。Learn to command the basic skill of back-hand and forehand.

反手,从那人手里把匕首捏过来。Anti- hand kneads bayonet to come over from that hand inside.

虽然反手表现稍弱,但是他在努力做得好。Only his backhand really let him down. But he's working on it.

用你的左手手刀反手打击墙壁。Deliver a back edge-hand blow against the wall with your left hand.

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他的击球样样精彩,正手,反手,还有发球,相当精彩。He has all the shots, very good forehand, good backhand, good serve.

李娜以3-2的比分破发,之后又以一个反手致胜球再次破发,比分达到5-2。Li broke for 3-2 and then again for 5-2 thanks to a backhand winner.

你的反手有一点不在状态,有什么原因吗?。You struggled with the backhand a fair bit. Any explanation for that?