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主因未详。The details of the principal cause are not known.

缺乏自信是失败的主因。Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failure.

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大型的鼠科动物海狸鼠也是造成溼地消失的主因。Large rat-like animals called nutrias are also causing problems.

咸信温室效应气体是导致全球气温升高的主因。Global Temperature Forced by Solar Irradiation and Greenhouse Gases?

没有进步是大多数学生放弃学琴的主因。Lack of progress is the main reason why so many students quit piano.

根据统计,它是不部份车祸的主因。According to the statistics, it is the main cause of most car accidents.

酒精肝是世界范围类致病死亡的主因所在。Alcoholic hepatitis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide.

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咸信温室效应气体是导致全球气温升高的主因。It is believed that greenhouse gases are the main causes of global warming.

接二连三的快速闪击,则是使闪电通道闪烁的主因。The quick succession of strokes is what causes the lightning channel to flicker.

无论是哪一种,有两位领导人的政府将是带来不稳定的主因。Either way, a double-headed government promises to be a source of extra instability.

这种扩张引发了巨大的经济泡沫,这是此次金融危机的主因。This has inflated an enormous bubble that was a leading cause of the financial crisis.

血液内大量繁殖的细菌通常是炭疽病致死的主因。Extensive replication in the blood is generally what kills patients who succumb to anthrax.

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财务隐患的积重难返是很多民营企业走向末路的主因。That financial risks diehard of many private enterprises is the main cause toward their dooms.

一般认为他和临近星系交互作用,是推动他恒星形成活动的主因。Interactions with the nearby galaxies are thought to have influenced star formation in NGC 4449.

村庄穷人的经济困境是一九八五年排华暴动的主因。The economic plight of the urban poor was the main factor behind the May 1998 anti-Chinese riots.

左肾有较高之机会主因胃部含大量液体及空气且位于左侧所致。Higher intensity of energy given, but to the anatomic position and gas-fluid effect of the stomach.

海洛英使用者共用针具,更是导致全球爱滋病毒扩散的一个主因。A significant proportion of HIV infection worldwide have been caused by needle sharing in heroin users.

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针对富士康频发员工跳楼事件,有媒体指出,员工压力过大是主因。In response to the continuous suicides by Foxconn employees, some media outlets said that pressure is to blame.

谷歌对外币曝险部位的避险支出亦升高,主因其目前逾半数营收都来自海外.Google also spent more to hedge foreign currency exposure, as more than half of its revenue now comes from abroad.

经济景况不佳,和抵押贷款及商业不动产贷款坏帐的减计,是拖累多数银行业绩的主因.A bad economy and writeoffs to cover bad mortgage and commercial real estate loans were a drag on most of the banks.