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囍掌柜的店铺开张了。Open the shop. Sell the thing.

这家新商店将在下个月开张。The mew store opens up next month.

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就像开张停车罚单那么简单。That’s like a parking ticket to me.

莱茵贝克的这家店在2001年开张的。the Rhinebeck store opened in 2001.

新的营业处将在明年一月开张。The new office will open next January.

传奇星开张的新照片!New photos from A Legend Star's Opening!

会不会有新的行业入主吴起,会不会有更多的店铺开张?Would new industries come and stores open?

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祝您新年开张大吉。Wishing you the best of luck on reopening day.

车站旁边新开张的那家餐馆怎么样?How about the new restaurant near the bus stop?

我明天会去那家新开张的粤式餐厅。I'm going to that new Cantonese restaurant tomorrow.

梦境的开张式,设计和实施都异常好。Fould likeastic ceremony inside design and execution.

本地新闻,一家新的电影院在斯坦福德开张了。In local news,a new movie theater opened in Stamford.

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没想到开张刚10天就被警方查获。Opened just did not expect the police seized 10 days.

就这样,一家新开的文具店在横山乡开张了。That's why "New Store" Stationery Store was built up!

新的“水上世界咖啡厅将于六月二十二日开张营业。The new Water World Cafe will be open up on June 22nd.

为了扩大其号召力,三星的应用商店正在开张。To expand its appeal, Samsung is opening an app store.

祝贺你们亚特兰大市公司开张!Congratulations on your newly-opened business in Atlanta.

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矽谷10家新开张公司有4家由印度人经营。Four out of 10 Silicon Valley startups are run by Indians.

麦当劳在芬兰,比尔卡罗德的重新开张的创意广告。Creative ads for McDonald's re-opening in Birkerod, Finland.

中心城区外许多区域的超市重新开张。Many regions outside the central city supermarket re-opened.