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我有气无力地握了握他的手说。I weakly shook his hand.

他有气无力地挥了挥手。He waved his hands feebly.

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公白飞有气无力地支持它。Combeferre was upholding it weakly.

“我还以为我赢了你呢,”他有气无力地说。"I thought I had you, " he said, weakly.

长睡一觉后他仍然觉得有气无力。After a long sleep, he still felt torpid.

“什么!”大师傅好容易开了口,声音有气无力。"What! " said the master at length, in a faint voice.

憨熊的喊声有气无力,但是还是惊醒了一个小男孩儿。Han Bear's call is weak, but still wakes up a little boy.

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他有气无力地回答,珂赛特几乎听不清,他说He replied in so low a tone that Cosette hardly heard him

“给我一支枪。”罗伯特?乔丹听见他有气无力地说。"Give me a rifle . " Robert Jordan heard him say in a choky voice.

一头年老体衰的狮子病得有气无力,奄奄一息地躺在树下。A lion had come to the end of his days. He lay helpless under a tree.

有气无力的握手不会受人欣赏,但也不能使劲握得太紧。Limp handshakes do not go down very well neither do vice tight grips.

一头年老体衰的狮子病得有气无力,奄奄一息地躺在地上。An elderly and frail lion of gas in a weak and dying lying on the ground.

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如果你没有做到,罪恶感将会扩散到更高的领域,让你感觉更加有气无力!If you done it not, a culpability diffuses high risk to paralyse you more!

她看起来就像个受伤的士兵,挎着生锈的步枪有气无力地走着。She looked liked a wounded soldier, carrying her rusted rifle walking weakly.

他垂头丧气地离开了肖申克,就像个有气无力地到医务室讨药吃的老囚犯。I think he did. The prison blueprints were around, and Andy would have found a way to look at them.

“你随便吧!”老师脸色苍白,无可奈何有气无力的回答。"You literally! "The facial expression of the teacher is pale, helpless have spirit nerveless answer.

大概是因为心情不好的人有气无力地睡觉去了,只剩下心情好的人来发推特。Maybe the people who are in a bad mood slowly go to sleep, leaving only those in a good mood to tweet.

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听到好友有气无力的敷衍,阿曼达有点泄气,于是关了电脑准备睡觉了。Amanda, a little put out by her friend's lack of enthusiasm, signed off the Internet and decided to go to bed.

当你把鼻胃管插入病人的鼻子时,就是最有气无力的病人也会拼命挣扎。Even the most out-of-it patients raise a mighty ruckus when you try to put NG tubes c down through their nose.

马吕斯视察了一番,正要回去时,他听见一个人在黑暗中有气无力地喊着他的名字。As Marius was withdrawing, after concluding his inspection, he heard his name pronounced feebly in the darkness.