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一方水土养一方人。One water live one people.

他们从未在埃及服水土。They never acclimatized in Egypt.

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一方水土养育一方人。Soil and water were raising one side.

一方水土养育一方人。A side water and soil raises a side people.

⊙、同顶一片蓝天,共护一方水土。With blue sky, protect side water and soil.

一方水土,养一方人。A side water and soil, raises a party person.

应县有充足的水土资源。There are sufficient water and soil resources in Ying County.

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这些是水土污染引起的疾病盛行的理想条件。These are ideal conditions for diseases of filth to flourish.

我们知道缺水怎样转变成由水土污染引起的疾病。We know how water scarcity translates into diseases of filth.

透过这些作家内心世界折射出的美国并非一方水土而是无尽的风光。America refracted through these writers' minds is not one place but many.

一方水土养一方人,方言代表了一个群体的共性。We are all what we eat. Dialect represents a commonality of native Beijingers.

中国人认为,一方水土养一方人。The Chinese often believe that human beings are shaped by the land around them.

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森林是“蓄水库”,森林消失,就意味着水土将大量流失。Forests are "reservoir" of deforestation, soil and water will mean massive loss.

然后大概在八千元前左右,曾经滋养着这方水土的雨水突然干涸。But around eight thousand years ago, the rains that nourished this landscape dried up.

如果是长在裸露的表土上,那就更不能拔掉了,因为草能涵蓄水土。We should not pull them if they are growing on the earth, because grass can keep water.

知道你的饮用水的来源——河流,湖泊或是你家的含水土层。Know the source of your drinking water—the river, lake, or aquifer that supplies your home.

分析了隔水土层的破坏机理,提出了隔水土层保持完整隔水性能的判据。The basis of discrimination protection water of protection water soil layer is put forward.

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一方水土养一方人,一方民俗风情熏陶一方人。Soil and water to support one party people, party folk customs and influenced by one person.

等高栽植,无论做或不做梯田对于保持水土都能有效。Contour planning with or without terracing is effective in conserving both soil and moisture.

大量供水可能对灌溉水稻淹水土壤有很大好处。An ample water supply is probably the greatest advantage of soil submergence for irrigated rice.