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爱家的人才能爱国。Love the family to be patriotic.

果然是个勇敢的爱国猛士。It is a brave patriotic warriors.

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但是容易赚到钱的影片是爱国宣传片。But the easy money is in patriotic pap.

承办其它爱国卫生工作。Undertaking other patriotic hygiene work.

我们都被他的爱国精神深深感动了。We are all deeply moved by his patriotism.

他为爱国之情所驱动着。He was actuated by love for his motherland.

将美国变成污水坑是一种爱国表现吗?Is turning America into a cesspool patriotic?

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激发学生的爱国热情。Motivate the students' love for our homeland.

他领导他们开展了一场爱国运动。He led them in launching a patriotic movement.

我做的爱国的事比他多很多。I have done much more patriotic work than him.

他是一个典型的封建时代的忠君爱国人物。He is a typical loyalist patriot of feudal times.

他写的新书是他的爱国精神的证明。His new book is a demonstration of his patriotism.

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他们是有爱国热情的年轻人。They are such young man who have patriotic ardour.

加强民族的爱国的宣传教育。We should ofen propagandize and educate the people.

他假藉爱国募集金钱。He collected money under the pretense of patriotism.

“爱国精神是石器时代的遗俗。”科格兰温和地说。"A relic of the stone age, " declared Coglan, warmly.

爱国旗帜在呆板地展示古代的盛况?Patriotic bunting as a frigid display of archaic pomp?

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反对党爱国阵线承诺会禁止这种政治倾斜政策。The PF promises to put a stop to political favoritism.

大陆军接连取得的一系列胜利大大地重建了爱国士兵们的信心。These victories greatly restored the patriots' hopes.

山庄为“绿色饭店”、爱国卫生先进单位。Which is a "green hotel" and an advanced hygienic unit.