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这是它1922年的一期刊物。This is an issue of 1922.

研究院主办14种学术刊物。The AMSS sponsor 14 academic journals.

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这就是一个学术刊物所要做的。That is what an academic journal is for.

迈克为学术刊物写文章。Mike wrote articles for learned journals.

她给几家文学刊物投了稿。She has contributed to literary magazines.

公共医疗卫生服务刊物编号1008。Public Health Service Publication No. 1008. U.

在国内外刊物发表文学作品。He has published many works in China and abroad.

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本人已阅讀并明白主要推销刊物的内容。I have read and understood the Principal Brochure.

我的父亲常在一个文学刊物上投稿。My father often contributes to a literary journal.

该故事将在下月的刊物上续载。The story will be continued in next month's issue.

同学还准备了竞选刊物、小册子等等。There was campaign literature, pamphlets and so on.

他经常为儿童刊物写稿。He is a regular contributor to children's magazines.

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本刊物只备有下载版。This publication is available in download version only.

她向文学刊物投了几首诗。She has contributed several poems to literary magazines.

描述生态系统的刊物,需要预付定金。Dynamics of ecosystem science. Requires paid subscription.

1883年,他将刊物三分之一的权益出售给D.In 1883, he sold a third interest in the journal to D. McN.

有时我甚至不阅读我所订阅并且喜欢的电子刊物。Sometimes I don't even read ezines I subscribe to and enjoy.

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为其设计部分企业形象及内部刊物。Part of its corporate image design and internal publications.

但是,在刊物的读者当中却并没有这样的影响。But there was no movement in the readership of the publication.

他们所出的小册子和刊物发行数非常少。Their pamphlets and magazines enjoyed a very small circulation.