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他们改变了论调。They changed their tune.

为什么这个论调是可能的?Why did that seem possible?

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诸如此类的论调喧嚣一时。Such a talk created quite a stir.

家长们听到这种论调似乎很感释然。The parents seem relieved to hear it.

这是一个相当靠不住的论调。This is a fairly fallacious argument.

所以人们就觉得这是个很好的论调。So people think the argument's a good one.

这种论调正变得越来越强硬。The rhetoric is getting more vituperative.

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你和痴迷“核平日本”的论调又来了。You and the "nuked Japan" obsession again.

我们可能又会问,还有其他论调吗?But we might then ask, what's the alternative?

但是,正是这种论调影响和造成了倒退。But this argument has cause and effect backward.

精选英语学习论调十段A collection of Arguments about English learning!

不过,本月起论调开始发生变化。This month, however, the chatter began to change.

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其论调认为归纳法是理性的定义。The claim is that induction is rational by definition.

现在,这一论调也能够应用于资本控制。The same argument could apply to capital controls now.

此书新近的几个版本中已经去掉了这种论调。Such remarks don’t appear in recent editions of the book.

当然,有一种外交边缘政策的论调。Of course, there's an argument for diplomatic brinkmanship.

虽然这些论调看似荒诞不经,但它的本质其实是合情合理。Ridiculous as the idea seems, the essence of it is accurate.

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这邪恶的论调让老卡斯卡利安感觉一阵阵胃部痉挛。The heresy of this made Cascarellian's devoted stomach turn.

马克思反对一切民族主义和沙文主义的论调。Marx was opposed to all claims of nationalism and chauvinism.

这和常听到的学习拉丁语的论调很类似。This is the same argument you tend to hear for learning Latin.