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我在拌和配料做蛋糕。I'm mixing a cake.

这是一小包混合配料。It was a packet mix.

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现在所有配料都齐了!Now I have all the ingredients!

首先,我会考虑到应季的配料。First, I examined seasonal ingredients.

我搁了莱姆,苦味配料,没搁糖。I put lime, bitters and no sugar in it.

靛青是蓝色的一种自然配料。Indigo is a natural ingredient in blue.

您的热狗所有的配料都要加吗?Would you like the hotdog with the works?

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焙烤配料,该公司是一个贸易…Bakery ingredients. It is a trading company.

这张单子上列的配料听起来使人馋涎欲滴。The list of ingredients sounds very appetizing.

羔羊肉蒸粗麦粉的配料是什么?What are the ingredients in couscous with lamb?

他称出药的各种配料的分量。He weighed out the ingredients for the medicine.

开始准备下一种通用的配料。Start on the next common ingredient preparation.

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你把这两种配料掺合匀了吗?Have you mixed those two ingredients well together?

我常常剩下很多未用完的配料,所以我就做多一些额外的。I often have leftover mix, so I cook the extra mix.

把其余的配料混用好。Add the remaining ingredients and combine them well.

她的烹饪方法很好,因为里面含有神秘的配料。Her recipe is good because of the secret ingredient.

配料时由专人负责配置。Special person takes charge of collocating material.

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再把这些配料倒进一个25立方英寸的平底锅中。Pour the ingredients into a twenty-five cubic inch pan.

饼干包装清单全脂奶粉作为配料。Cookie packages list whole milk powder as an ingredient.

熟知菜单及配料成分。Familiarizes himself with menu and ingredient knowledge.