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不油腻,很轻盈。Non-greasy and light.

这是一种油腻而又难消化的食品。It is. sort of heavy food.

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过于油腻的食物很快令人生厌。Too rich food soon disgusts.

炉子上总是摆着一只油腻的锅。A big greasy wok sat on the stove.

他吃了太多油腻的食物。He glutted himself with rich rood.

她一看到油腻的食物就恶心。She loathed the sight of greasy food.

每周吃一次鱼,但应该做得比较油腻。Eat fish once a week, but make it oily.

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油炸洋葱,这里的菜都很油腻。Frying onions. Local food is very greasy.

过了一会儿,浓味沙司开始显得油腻了。After a while, the rich sauce begins to cloy.

吃了这些多油腻的,难消化的食物,我都觉得恶心。I feel sick with all this fat and heavy food.

添加的精油是否会让颈圈表面油腻?Does the essential oil make the collar greasy?

别吃的太油腻,丰富蛋白质和新鲜水果才是王道。More protein and fruits, and less greasy foods.

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不含油腻的食品,越来越受到女士们的欢迎。Greaseless food is more and more welcome to women.

他的背心是熊皮制成,又旧又油腻。His jerkin was a ragged bearskin, worn and greasy.

婴儿很难消化如此油腻的食物。The baby had a hard time digesting such rich food.

北京烤鸭,这道北方菜真是太糟了,味道又淡又油腻。Outside Peking duck, thefood in the north is awful.

油腻、辛辣以及很咸的食物会增加身体的毒素。Greasy, spicy and salty food add toxins to the body.

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医生建议他不要吃油腻的食品。The doctor suggested him not to eat greasiness food.

冰冻饮料、咖啡同油腻嘅食品,都要戒。Frozen drinks, coffee and greasy food, all must quit.

将10呎方区域或单一物体变得油腻。Grease. Makes 10- ft . square or one object slippery.