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最近苹果的市价已经超过了微软。It recently surpassed Microsoft Corp. in market value.

你们的还盘与现行市价不符。Your counteroffer does not come in line with the current rate.

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说明在采用存货的“成本或市价孰低”法则时判断的作用。Illustrate the role of judgment in applying the LCM rule for inventory.

如此推理,高斯的效果可以没有市价而达致。By such reasoning the Coase result can be obtained without a market price.

市价交易,又称时价交易,即根据银行当前的报价即时成交。Dealings can both be made at the current market prices and on agent basis.

还价不可接受,因市价上涨,据说其他卖方已退出。Counteroffers unentertainable as market swinge other seller report withdraw.

她的策略是用低于市价的价格销售大量家具,同时,她还是一个很无情的谈判对手。Her strategy was to undersell the big shots, and she was a merciless negotiator.

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你们的还盘与现行市价不符,所以我们无法接受。Your counter-offer is out of line with the current market, so we cannot accept it.

托马斯和保罗都认为市价上涨可以使他们捞一把。Both Thomas and Paul thought that a rise in the market would enable them to cash in.

货币空间价值的计量具有复杂性,但可以采用物价指数法和现行市价法。The price index method and the currently-enforced market price method can both be adopted.

你方的还价与当前的市价不符,我方不予答应。Because your count-offer is not in line with the present market level, we do not agree that.

市价上落是“循环”、市场环境变迁是“相对”。Market prices up and down is " Cyclicity ", while change of market conditions is "Relativity".

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支持市价委托,金元网上交易分析系统,操作界面和3。Market price support for the commission, Kim Won-analysis of the on-line trading systems, market 3.

很少按市价交易,而更喜欢为买卖委托单设置限价。Rarely transacting "at the market" and preferring to put price limits on their buy and sell orders.

第35-1条本公司电脑交易系统接受市价申报、限价申报。Article 35- 1 This Corporation's computerized trading system accepts market orders and limit orders.

对上柜公司而言,公司的市价净值比愈低,公司实际买回的比例愈高。For OTC based companies, the lower ratio of net worth , the higher actual percentage of buying back.

指因标的股票的市价跌至转换价下方,转换权的价值接近零的可转换证券。A convertible issue of litte value because the underlying stock has fallen below the conversion price.

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换股比例确定策略包括每股净资产之比、每股收益之比、每股市价之比和L—G模型法。The ratio can be determined by net asset per share, earning per share, market per share and L-G model.

除了开市价比以往清算日低外,原油周五赚得59美分。Despite opening lower than the previous day's settlement, crude managed to gain another 59 cents on Friday.

厦门市政府今起向市场投放市级储备肉,价格低于市价。Xiamen launched the purchase of its municipal pork reserve Monday, with a price lower than the market price.