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反光立体镜?。Mirror stereoscope?

镜子能反光。A mirror reflects light.

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安全灯反光棒设计。Safety light refection bar design.

罗浮宫前金字塔上的反光。A reflection from the louvre’s pyramid.

樱红的酒色中带有深紫色的反光。Cherry red in colour with purple glance.

轻低能见度的反光元素。Reflective elements for low-light visibility.

买鞋的时候顺便买些反光装置。While you're there, buy some reflective gear.

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在一些角落里看到微红的反光。One beholds reddish reflections in the corners.

还有一个选择就是购买可粘贴的防反光贴膜。Another option is a stick-on, anti-glare shield.

使用防反光过滤器在您的电脑显示器。Use an antiglare filter on your computer monitor.

带有金绿色反光的浅黄色。The colour is pale yellow with green-gold reflection.

我们看不见它们是因为它们不反光。We can not see them, coz they are not light-reflecting.

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你可以改变它们的颜色,反光强度。You can change their color, how much light they reflect.

埃弗里的目光与班尼反光面罩后面的眼睛相遇,他点了点头。Avery met Byrne's mirror-visored gaze and nodded his head.

我公司长期供应反光背心。Longrun supply reflecting light undershirt of our company.

反光元素,让你在低光照条件下可见。Reflective elements keep you visible in low-light conditions.

最好在你的躯干、四肢、头和脚都带反光条。On your torso, your arms, your legs, your head and your shoes.

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如果天色暗时在室外锻炼,则需要穿上可以反光的衣服。If it's dark when you exercise outside, wear reflective clothing.

反光详细说明允许在弱光条件下的能见度。Reflective detailing allows for visibility in low-light conditions.

偏光镜能够消除反光,增加色泽饱和度。A polarising filter can eliminate reflections or enhance saturation.