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那是她孜孜以求的正果。It was her diligently strive after the attainment of.

男孩在国外孜孜以求,继续着他的学业。The boy in the foreign cobest, continued his studies.

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一直以来,我孜孜以求自己的白马王子,蓝颜知己。I wondered if I would ever find my prince, my soul mate.

这是古今中外许多严肃的艺术家孜孜以求的艺术境界。This bourn is the one that many serious authors go in for.

与时并进、出类拔萃是我们一直孜孜以求的目标。We keep on driving hard to be forward thinking and outstanding.

建设一个更加美好社会,是人类孜孜以求的理想。To build a better future is the long-cherished dream of mankind.

于是我们对之孜孜以求,并且——至少像商业所定义的那样——我们将其抓到了手中。So we pursued it and —at least as commerce defines it —we caught it.

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建设一个更加美好的社会是人类孜孜以求的理想。To build a better society is the ideal pursued by humanity assiduously.

当前,实现国家发展和民族复兴是中乌两国人民孜孜以求的梦想。To pursue development and national renewal is the dream of both our peoples.

和谐社会是人类孜孜以求的理想目标。A harmonious society is an ideal for which mankind has been searching indefatigably.

而他们共同孜孜以求的则是在追求品质、高雅和完美生活的路上永不疲倦。What these people have in common is their never-ending pursuit of a high-quality life.

这种异样的光彩,或者说深藏着的爱,正是导演所孜孜以求的。That secretive light, or hidden love, was just what the director had been searching for.

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我们生而不足,生而无知,孜孜以求一些日常竞争的粗略常识。We are the flawed ones, the innocents, trying to make some rough sense of the daily jostle.

他们刚完成拉斯维加斯之旅,就获得了他们孜孜以求的资金。On the heels of their successful trip to Vegas, they finally got the funding they were after.

悠客,不仅仅是一种理想,更是一种从古到今对精神自由孜孜以求的完美传承。NEWCOM, is not only an ideal, more is ongoing seek for beautiful spiritual home since ancient time.

“创品牌专科、建精品医院”是湘潭博爱全体员工孜孜以求的目标。" A brand specialty, construction of hospital" is the Xiangtan oi staff diligently strive after target.

高雅—将让读者更信服地体会“教化嘉定”自古以来对文化的孜孜以求。Elegance----to appreciate the social cultural and educational life of the residents since ancient times.

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“建设21世纪中国生活居住示范区”是华侨城孜孜以求的目标。"Building the 21st Century Chinese live demonstration zone" is the overseas Chinese town assiduous goal.

假如说红颜是仍何男子终生孜孜以求的货色,作为一度奇丑恶非常的女人她该当是倒霉的。If say beauty is still what man lifelong philosophy of same, as once ugly woman she"s very bad is deserved."

“和谐社会”是几千年来人类孜孜以求的社会理想和价值追求。Harmonious society is a social ideal and value which humanity diligently strives after since several millenniums.