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平滑塔夫绸衬里。Smooth taffeta lining.

他的夹克没有衬里。His jacket was unlined.

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涤纶塔夫绸衬里。Polyester taffeta lining.

这箱子用蓝布做衬里。Blue cloth lined the trunk.

我这件外衣是用绸子做的衬里。My coat is lined with silk.

这箱子用很结实的布作衬里。Strong cloth lined the trunk.

是那有衬里的舒适棉被吗?The cozy bedsheet with lining?

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安装尾部区域的车顶衬里。Install headliner in rear area.

我们会在洗之前把衬里缝好。We’ll stitch it before washing.

再做一双有衬里的御寒拖鞋Fair lined slippers for the cold

将控制单元压入车顶衬里。Clip control unit into headliner.

这件旧的皮毛大衣必须换衬里。The old fur coat must be relined.

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首先,画布是有衬里的么?For starters, is the canvas lined?

裁缝用绸子做外衣衬里。The tailor lined the coat with silk.

你可以用绸子作衣服衬里。You could back your dress with silk.

箱内请用蜡纸衬里。Please line the cases with wax paper.

她用很结实的布给衣箱做衬里。She lined the trunk with strong cloth.

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全塑或钢壳全塑防腐衬里。Plastic or steel lining plastic corrosion.

全长,皮革衬里舒适鞋垫。Full-length, leather-lined comfort footbed.

皮革衬里和皮革覆盖的鞋垫。Leather lining and leather-covered footbed.