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汽机车将又换牌照了。Cars and motorcycles will change their license plates again.

汽机车产品,客制化的零件,依客户需求来制造。Nuts for Auto industry. Make of customers' specification demand.

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汽机车产品,客制化的零件,依客户需求来制造。T Nuts for Auto industry. Make of customers' specification demand.

并对热电联产机组汽机控制系统进行了分析。The combined heat and power unit turbine control systems were studied.

本文研究了膨胀石墨对汽机油的吸附性性能。The absorbability of petrolic oil on the expansive graphite has been researched.

本文介绍了英国GEC汽轮发电机有限公司测量汽机较大胀差的一种方法。The article introduces a method to measure larger differential expansion of GEC Ltd.

汽机车零件–轴、杆、轴及动力方向盘轴心。Automobile and motorcycle spare parts, crankshafts, connecting rods, shafts, power steering shafts.

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空冷系统的ACC凝汽器冷却能力大小,对汽机真空有很大的影响。The cooling capability of Air cooling condenser has very great influence on vacuum of steam turbine.

该系统为闭式环路冷却水系统,用于汽机及锅炉辅机。This system is the closed cycle cooling water system applicable for turbine and boiler's auxiliary machines.

马达冲压件,车灯制品,汽机车钣金件加工,压缩机外壳,冲压油压机,建筑用钣金。Manufacture and offer general Sheet Metal Components for Motor, compressor, cover, stacker, Car and Oil Pipe.

我们的生产制造以汽机车的油压及气压之避震器为主要重心。Our main focus of production has been pneumatic and hydraulic shock absorbers for automobiles and motorbikes.

老兄,你的车确实该好好维修了。藉�汽机车排出的废气,你我在不知不觉中受到铅污染。Brother, you should maintain your bike. All of us are unwittingly suffering lead pollution from cars and motorcycles.

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适合缝纫机零件、五金气动工具、汽机车零件或其他金属零件重切削精加工。Suitable for heavy cutting for parts of sewing machine, hardware hydraulic tool, vehicle parts, or other metal parts.

汽机控制还包括许多用于汽机附属辅助系统的次要控制功能。Turbine controls also include a variety of minor control functions for auxiliary systems associated with the turbine.

专业汽机车、电子类之连接器、端子及接插件制造。Professional Connector, Housing, Terminal and wafer manufacturing for automobile, motorbike , and electronic industry.

作为例子,绘出了华莹山电厂4号汽机的一组疲劳寿命损耗曲线。As an example, a set of the curves of the fatigue life loss for No. 4 turbine at the Hua-Ying Mountain Powerplant is given.

某小型热电厂一台C15汽轮发电机在汽机基座浇筑过程中出现混凝土离析事故。In a small thermo-power plant, an segregation accident occurred in the process of concreting a C15 turbogenerator foundation.

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但是,采用涡轮喷气发动机却解决了这个问题,因为涡轮能产生足够的功率,以带动压汽机。But the introduction of the turbo-jet overcame this problem, since the turbine developed sufficient power to drive a compressor.

产品被广泛应用于矿山机械、汽机车、建筑机械、农用机械、轧钢机械等。The product is widely used in mining machinery, automobile, building machinery, agriculture equipment, rolling steel industry etc.

适用欧姆螺杆、滚造级滚珠螺杆,及机械、五金工具、汽机车零件的螺纹转造加工。Especially for long screws, Ohm screw, rolling ball screw made, and machinery, hardware tools, vehicle parts, thread rolled processing.