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第三阶段是国家对种粮实行直接补贴时期。In the third stage, the nation earned out direct subsidy for grain production.

我们也不会发现一尺可以种粮的田地。We shall not find a single foot of earth that can be planted with crops to raise food.

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因此,研究粮食生产资料价格变动对粮农收益及种粮积极性的影响具有重要意义。Therefore, the study of the FAO food price changes means of production and grain yield of positive significance.

农民种粮积极性提高,春耕春播生产形势较好。The farmer is planted grain enthusiasm rises, situation of production of spring ploughing spring sowing is better.

但强劲的全球增长对美国产油、种粮或生产设备以出口海外的那些州来说却是件好事。But strong global growth has been good for states that pump oil, grow grains or manufacture equipment sold overseas.

这些政策的实施有力地调动农民的种粮积极性,但也存在一些问题。Implementation of these policies effectively mobilizes the enthusiasm of farmers to grow grain, but still there are some problems.

在南非赞比西河流域中游地区实现种粮农民与野生动物的平衡共存并非易事。Achieving a balanced coexistence in southern Africa's Mid-Zambezi Valley between subsistence farmers and wild animals can be tricky.

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当前,持续稳定提高粮食主产区种粮农民的收入水平是发展粮食生产、保障国家粮食安全的关键。This paper takes Heilongjiang Province as an example, analyzes income growth characteristics of farmers in major grain-producing areas.

最后,探讨了随着经济和社会的发展,农户种粮积极性没有相应提高的原因。Finally, the causes why the productive positivity of farmers was not improved with the development of economy and society were discussed.

国内粮价的上涨空间十分有限,激励农民种粮积极性的根本途径是降低粮食生产成本。The room of increasing grain price is limited, so reducing the grain production cost is the basic way of improving the farmers' enthusiasm.

原产于美洲的烟草,作为一种嗜好作物,明代传入中国以后迅速形成抽烟风气,随之烟草种植因其利润大于种粮而快速普及开来。Tobacco, originated in America, was introduced into China as a habitual plant in Ming dynasty and soon developed a general mood of smoking.

所以郑先生期盼着下雨,同时也指望他在邻镇工作的两个儿子和一个女儿可以给钱弥补种粮损失。So Mr. Zheng is hoping for rain, and counting on his two sons and daughter, who have jobs in nearby towns, to make up the money lost from crop failure.

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几年前,国家免去延续了两千年之久的农业税,之后,又有了针对土地以亩为单位的种粮补贴。A few years ago, the state is removed from the last two thousand years of the agricultural tax, then, and for land with Mu as the unit of grain subsidy.

我们要较大幅度提高粮食最低收购价,保持农产品价格合理水平,提高种粮农民积极性。We will significantly raise minimum grain purchasing prices and keep the prices of agricultural products at a reasonable level to encourage farmers to grow more.

对粮农补贴政策的选择,不仅直接影响到种粮农民的收入,还关系到国家粮食安全和粮食可持续发展。Selection of subsidy for farmers' planting grain is not only relative to their income but also to grain security of our country and grain sustainable development.

农业部的官员说,南方各地区的的产量普遍比去年提高。他把增产归因于对农民种粮补贴的增加。An official with the ministry said the output in the southern regions was set to exceed that of last year. He attributed the increase to elevated subsidies to farmers.

从各地实施情况看,该政策极大地调动了农民的种粮积极性,政策效应开始显现,粮食生产呈现恢复性增长。According to situation of different regions, the policy has aroused the grain cultivation enthusiasm of farmers and the food production has presented restorative increase.

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结果显示,蔬菜种植施肥量明显多于种粮地,温室菜地施肥量最大。Results show that fertilization in vegetable cultivation is significantly more than that in grain land, greenhouse vegetables cultivation calls for the most fertilization.

本发明涉及一种粮饲兼用玉米品种的杂交制种方法,属于玉米杂交种优势利用领域。The invention relates to a method for producing seeds by hybridizing maize varieties used as both grain and fodder, and belongs to the field of maize heterosis utilization.

二要较大幅度提高粮食最低收购价,保持农产品价格合理水平,提高种粮农民积极性。Second, we will significantly raise minimum grain purchase prices and keep the prices of agricultural products stable at a reasonable level to encourage farmers to grow more.