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所以他辞职了。So he quit.

我要辞职!I am resigning.

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然后他就辞职了。And, then he resigned.

因为我想要辞职!Because I want to quit!

于是她决定辞职。So, she decided to quit.

我把辞职书交上去了。I handed in my resignation.

人们都传说他要辞职了。It is said he would resign.

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我听说老吴辞职了。I heard Lao Wu quit his job.

我就递交辞职报告。I'll hand in my resignation.

还是我应该辞职去艺校学习?Do I quit and go to art school?

他决定在发薪水这天辞职。He concluded to quit on pay day.

他唯一解套的办法是辞职。His only recourse was to resign.

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尼克松因为水门事件辞职。He resigned because of Watergate.

他打算要辞职。——我也听说了。He's going to resign. ——So I hear.

空出,撤出,辞去辞职的行为或实例。The act or an instance of vacating.

他昨天接到我的辞职报告。He received my resignation yesterday.

他上星期交了辞职书。He sent in his resignation last week.

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中国人递交了辞职书。The Chinese hands in his resignation.

我们队长辞职了。The captain of our team has resigned.

康克林决定辞职,以表抗议。Conkling decided to resign in protest.