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所以杠杆性引发风险So, leverage brings risk.

它们只会去压动杠杆。They just pressed the lever.

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他们用杠杆把它推至定位。They levered it into position.

婚姻是最伟大的杠杆原理。Marriage is the greatest leveler.

工人用杠杆移动岩石。The worker is levering at the rock.

那么哪种杠杆收购是可能的呢?What sort of LBO is still possible?

杠杆是用钢条冲压出来的。Levers are blanked out of strip steel.

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他们用杠杆把箱子撬开。They prised the box open with a lever.

第一,杠杆作用是整个要点。First, the leverage is the whole point.

我们可以用铁橇来应用杠杆原理。We can use a crowbar to apply leverage.

财务杠杆可能是另一原因。Financial gearing may be another reason.

奥兹让老鼠按那个杠杆装置。and he just let the rat press the lever.

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工人们正在用杠杆撬一块巨石。The workers were levering at a huge rock.

从最大的杠杆到最小的齿轮From the mightiest lever to the tiniest pinion

霍尔先生移动了一个杠杆把门先关上。Mr. Hall moved a lever to close the door first.

它做更多的变化与制动器的杠杆。It was much more that shift levers with detents.

其中的一个动作便是压杠杆。And one of their behaviors is pressing the lever.

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每个党派都坚持认为各自的杠杆最有效。Each party insists that its levers will work best.

以下哪项是与杠杆原理有直接关系的?Which of the following involves a lever principle?

大型对冲基金运用经济杠杆赢得双赢局面。It's a win-win for macro hedge funds using leverage.