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婀娜的月亮河,宽过了一英里。Moon river, wider than a mile.

在那天之前,我一点儿也不知道女人婀娜的步伐里还有这么多讲究。Before that day, I had no idea of the complexity of the female walk.

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它摇曳婀娜,袅袅生情西窗外。It swaying graceful, curling students love the West out of the window.

她经常游泳,并因每天练瑜枷功锻炼自己而始终保持着婀娜轻盈的身材。She swam often and her trim body was well-disciplined with daily Yoga exercises.

她那梦一般的眼睛,玫瑰色的脸颊,性感的嘴唇和婀娜的身躯,世间无人能比。Nothing can be compared with her dreamy eyes, rosy cheeks, sexy lips and supple knees.

歌舞醉人。姑娘们的婀娜舞姿,编织出一幅秀美壮丽的丹霞画卷。The graceful dancing performed by girls knit a beautiful picture of magnificent Danxia.

朱莉在电影中一身打扮俨如索菲亚罗兰,一路只顾婀娜生姿地走过俨如她正在一条想象中长长的T型台上走秀。Dolled up like Sophia Loren, she swaggers through the movie like it's one long imaginary catwalk.

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看世间花开花落,是如此婀娜美丽,又如此短暂烟飞。See the world flower efflorescence fall, is thus graceful beauty, again thus the brief smoke fly.

周围的小房间里的镜子透露苗条,婀娜的身材紧贴拥抱里面的礼服。The mirrors around the little room revealed a slim, curvaceous figure hugged snugly inside the dress.

中国唐朝崇尚丰膄婀娜之美,以杨贵妃为典型。Women chubby beauty was adored in ancient Tang Dynasty in China, and the typical girl was Yang Guifei.

她有著棕色的头发,修长的双腿,婀娜动人的身材,还有一张聪慧、开朗的脸,看上去确实健康活泼。She looked really healthy and had tawny hair and long, good legs, a very good figure, and an intelligent, lively face.

补充肌肤水分,软化身体粗厚角质,同时补充肌肤营养,紧实细致肌肤,令身体肌肤紧致迷人,身姿婀娜。Grapeseed Nourish Body ScrubReplenish moisture and soften dead surface, and replenish nutrition to leave you firm skin.

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她将以更健康、更婀娜的姿态迎接您的每一次到来。Every time you show up, rest assured that you will be ushered into an atmosphere more healthful and graceful than before.

聚聚散散,又哪来弹不尽的曲子,你那婀娜的舞姿也终化做一撮尘土。Get together to spread, again which to play a not exhausted song, your that graceful dance also turns to do a dust eventually.

而钢琴总在委婉的抒情,如同女子在月下漫舞,身段婀娜,月影婆娑,意境美的恰到好处。Piano in the tactful lyric, as woman in the moon 's shadow dancer, graceful, dancing, artistic conception beauty be just perfect.

倾听雨落声,落一子嗔言,风声起落,惹一塘风荷,杨柳婀娜,染一江春水盈盈轻漾。Listen to the rain sound, drop a child, say, the wind landing, into a pond willow wind, graceful, river with light overflow dyeing.

同时,长带也相当于狂舞之中的芭蕾舞者,将身体摆成一个个曼妙的曲线,婀娜又动感。Meanwhile, the long dance with the equivalent of being a ballet dancer, put the body into one graceful curves, graceful and dynamic.

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倦倚姹紫嫣红婀娜的春色,家门口,更多奇花异草沁香流露。Tired of the beauties of spring, graceful and purples relies on the doorstep, more rare flowers &grasses musical group ooze incense reveal.

远处一淡衣女子长发披肩,娇姿婀娜,手执浅紫色花伞在雨中袅袅前行。In the distance a pale woman with long black hair charming appearance, graceful, holding a light purple flower umbrella in the rain to curl.

我正躺在圣坛上,透过一棵垂柳注视着天空,垂柳婀娜的枝条就像天空中参差不齐的裂纹。I am lying on the altar thing and staring up through one of the willows, whose drooping, arcing branches are like jagged fissures in the sky.