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上来。Yes come on up.

一条鱼迅速浮了上来。A fish bobbed up.

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所以我走到0,3,8上来。So I go to 0, 3, 8.

上来下去,溜溜球。Up and down, yo-yo.

你们会看到的。快上来。You'll see. Come on.

彼得张口结舌答不上来。Peter was tongue-tied.

"过来,坐到我的膝上来。"。Come and sit on my lap.

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我就知道你肯定说不上来。I knew you didn't know.

把人救上来并报告。Hoist person and report.

到溇上来看看吧。Come upstairs and see it.

现在把你的图片交上来。Hand in your picture now.

他的汽车开始赶上来了。His car began to draw up.

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请把作业传上来。Pass your work up please.

很抱歉把这些东西放上来。Sorry for bringing this up.

乖狗狗,坐到围裙上来。Good dog, sit on this apron.

他上来是要向以色列人骂阵。He comes out to defy Israel.

我知道了,我让他们把我的晚餐也拿上来。bring my supper up here too.

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上来,我们要快。Come on, we have to be quick.

好的,我马上拿上来。Ok, I'll have that right out.

气泡从泥沼中冒了上来。Gases bubbled up from the mud.