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舅妈帕特丽夏是他的妻子。Aunt Patricia is his wife.

我找不到舅妈。I had no way to find my aunt.

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塞尔玛舅妈和默里舅舅跟在后头。Aunt Selma and Uncle Murray paced.

我是和我妈还有二姨舅妈一起去的。I went there with my mother and two aunts.

自幼失去双亲的她,跟着舅舅舅妈相依为命。He lost her parents, and follow the uncle aunt.

告诉祖父祖母和舅舅舅妈,我也爱他们。Tell Grandma and Grandpa and my brothers I love them.

这张照片是我姨/舅妈莉莉,姨/舅父约翰和他们的孩子。This is my aunt Lily and uncle John and their children.

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我的舅舅和舅妈有三个孩子,他们是我的表兄妹。My uncle and my aunt have three children. They are my cousins.

舅妈有些惊讶,她希望不会又是共济会的什么破事。My aunt was surprised and hoped it was not some Freemason affair.

最后他迫不得已,只能找到舅妈,告诉她自己的课本丢了。He went to his aunt at last, and told her that he bad lost his book.

萨莉舅妈轻轻地吻了她的脸颊,温柔地掐了一下她。Aunt Sally kissed her lightly on the cheek and squeezed Fannie gently.

我告知她她可能会去和昂特舅舅和艾琳舅妈去住。I told her that she'd probably live with her Uncle Ant and Aunt Ilene.

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我亲爱的舅妈,我和简都知道这个人既不诚实又无信誉。My dear aunt, Jane and I both know that he has neither honesty nor honour.

电报上说,舅妈病重,住在芜湖医院。It said that my aunt was seriously ill and she was staying in the hospital.

“如果我生个女儿,我希望她能象你一样甜美,”舅妈小声说道。"If I have a girl, I hope that she will be as sweet as you," her aunt whispered.

我竟然在住院部的第一个房间就看见了舅妈。Unexpectedly I caught sight of my aunt in the first ward in the in-patient department.

到达加尔各答时,法提克第一次见到了他的舅舅和舅妈。When they reached Calcutta, Phatik made the acquaintance of his aunt for the first time.

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他准备给舅妈背诵诗起首的几句,我离开了厨房。When I left the kitchen he was about to recite the opening lines of the piece to my aunt.

每周六晚舅妈去赶集,我总要陪着提包。On Saturday evenings when my aunt went marketing I had to go to carry some of the parcels.

但她的目光严厉而傲慢,让我想起里德舅妈的那种目光,说起话来声音又硬又有力。But she had fierce, proud eyes, that reminded me of aunt Reed's, and a hard, powerful voice.