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他说,经过密植的具有竞争力的作物会很快遮蔽土地,这将有助于抑制杂草生长。He says a dense, competitive crop that quickly shades the soil will help suppress many weeds.

合理密植可提高单位面积的切花产量而不会影响质量。Reasonably dense planting can increase the cut flower output without sacrificing the quality.

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在管理好的高密植果园里,这个最初的高额成本可以很快收回。This high initial capitalization is rapidly amortized in the well managed high-density orchard.

文章着重研究了横坡耕种、密植耕作和坡改梯耕种方式。In this paper, some plowing methods such as contour plowing, densely plowing, terraced plowing, etc.

通过直线回归方程得出密植茶园丰产的各项指标。Indicators of the bumper close planting tea orchard can be obtained from linear regression equation.

河东西两侧堆有土山,山上密植高大的树木,在城市内部营造出一片郊野山林胜景。Two hills located at east and west with numerous high trees present wonderful landscape like outskirts.

上述密植园的成本和收益是用现金周转分析方法决算出来的。Costs and returns for orchards at the above densities were examined by the cash flow method of analysis.

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他表示,经过密植的竞争性作物会很快遮蔽阳光,这将有助于抑制杂草生长。He says a dense, competitive crop that quickly shades the soil from the sun will help reduce weed growth.

分别以在各级麦田上所表现的穗数与穗粒重的关系作为衡量合理密植的标准。These categories for classification can be used as a standard for the measurement of suitable planting density.

与传统的种植方式相比,密植大蕉需要较多的养分。Fertilizer requirements for plantain in high density arrangements are higher compared with conventional planting.

经过多年试验,确定了乔砧密植的栽培方式。Through many years testing, the cultivation type of compact planting with standard root-stock has been determinate.

短枝矮化基因或灌丛状基因能有利于品种高度密植的设计吗?Can the brachytic dwarf gene or the bushy genes be used to advantage in cultivars designed for high density plantings?

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幼嫩、密植枝叶发病重,光照不足、潮湿等因素可加重病情。Leaves of tender branch and close planting are infected seriously. Light deficiency and moist can worsen the condition.

在相同的肥力水平下,增加基本苗,合理密植有助于提高产量。Under same fertilizer level, rational close planting and increase of basic seedlings were contributive to increase of yield.

田间优势杂草的发生密度、与大豆共生时期等严重影响窄行平作密植栽培大豆的产量。The yield of soybeans was influenced by the density of predominant weeds and the period of intergrowth between weeds and soybeans.

2006年以黑农41为材料,研究了窄行密植对高产春大豆根系生长规律及其与地上部关系的影响。The effect of the solid seeding on the rule of root system growth and the upside was studied using Heinong41 as a material in 2006.

结果表明,采用壮苗和密植是提高早期产量和经济效益的有效途径。The result shows that the adoptation of vigourous seedling and dense planting is an effective way to raise the early yield for profits.

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黄土丘陵区旱坡地枣树密植园施肥试验表明,施肥3次效果最好。Test of fertilizer-applying in arid hillside jujube close planting garden shows that the effect of 3 times fertilizer applying is the best.

综述了前人在干旱、密植、低氮、及长光胁迫对玉米产量与ASI的影响。This paper reviewed the effects of stress factors such as drought, high density, low nitrogen and long photoperiods on the grain yield and ASI.

结果表明,在沙漠边缘地区,采用密植栽培、增大施肥量是实现枣树早期丰产和显著提高经济效益的有效途径。The study results show that it is a efficient way to attain early abundant yield and to enhance economic effect by increasing quantity of fertilizer.