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这是蜂鸟科的天蛾。This is a humming-bird moth.

天蛾人在缅因州的一家精神病院里面。Mothman's in a asylum up in a Maine.

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他还养了天蛾,还有一只缅甸猫。There were hawkmoths too, and a Burmese cat.

因为蛾相信有一天蛾会明白的。Beacause I know one day he'll make me understand.

天蛾人在1926年被一个年轻的男孩首次发现。The Mothman was first spotted in 1926 by a young boy.

我有一个天蛾的茧儿,差不多藏了一年。IKEPT for nearly a year the flask-shaped cocoon of an emperor moth.

我有一个天蛾的茧儿,差不多藏了一年。I kept for nearly a year the flask-shaped cocoon of an emperor moth.

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背部有类似死人头骨斑纹的欧洲天蛾。European hawk moth with markings on the back resembling a human skull.

大多数看到天蛾人的人都将其描述成有翅膀的人形生物,有很大的折射红色光芒的眼睛。Most observers describe the Mothman as a winged man-sized creature with large reflective red eyes.

本文描述了34种天蛾雌雄外生殖器主要部分的基本构造和变异类型。The present paper deals with the structures of the male and female genitalia of34 Species of Chinese Sphingidae.

豆天蛾是一种大型的农业害虫,在我国西部和北部地区广泛分布。Clanis bilineata tsingtauica is a kind of argricultral injurious insect, distributing in the west and north of china.

目的探讨大劣按蚊与烟草天蛾丝氨酸蛋白酶之间是否存在交叉免疫反应性。Objective To investigate the cross- immunoreactivity between the serine proteases derived from Anopheles dirus and Manduca.

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修饰后的毒素能杀死钙粘蛋白沉默的烟草天蛾和钙粘蛋白缺失突变造成苏云金杆菌毒素抵抗的棉红铃虫。The modified toxins killed cadherin-silenced Manduca sexta and Bt-resistant Pectinophora gossypiella that had cadherin deletion mutations.

姜科植物重要的传粉动物包括各种蜂类、天蛾、蝴蝶、鸟类等,不同的传粉动物对应不同的花部特征。Major pollinators include bees, hawkmoth, butterfly and birds, and different pollinators correspond with different morphological characteristics of flowers.

昌黎地区酿酒葡萄园害虫主要有19种,其中主要害虫有绿盲蝽、葡萄二星叶蝉、金龟子、斑衣蜡蝉、葡萄短须螨、葡萄天蛾、葡萄虎蛾、葡萄锈壁虱等。In Changli, there were 19 pests harming vine grape. The main pest were green canker worm, two-star leafhopper of grape, dorbeetle, wax cicada, acarus, hawkmoth, tiger moth, rust tick etc.

结论大劣按蚊与烟草天蛾丝氨酸蛋白酶具有交叉免疫活性,利用烟草天蛾丝氨酸蛋白酶抗血清研究大劣按蚊丝氨酸蛋白酶是可行的。Western blot analysis showed that the expression product was recognized by the antiserum. Conclusion There is cross- immunoreactivity between serine protease of Anopheles dirus and Manduca.

有一天我看到这讨厌的猫嘴里叼着一只蛾子进了我的屋,我以为它把笼子打翻了呢,但是没有,笼子好好的,外面围满了从几英里外赶来交配的雄天蛾。One day the wretched cat came into my room with a moth in its mouth. I thought it had knocked over the cage but it was still there, surrounded by male hawkmoths who had come for miles to mate.