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玉帝制造了人,从泥土中塑造他们。The Jade Emperor made men, fashioning them from clay.

国王的臣民反对他的帝制。The king's subjects protested against his imperialism.

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自此之后,中国脱离了帝制而转入了民主革命时期。Since then, China out of the monarchy into the period of democratic revolution.

兴祝辛亥革命成功结束了中国的帝制99周年纪念。Celebrated as the 99th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution and the Wuchang Uprising.

中国在延续2000多年的帝制结束了,从封建走向共和。China in 2000 continuation of the monarchy over the years, from feudalism to the Republican.

对他来说,在被帝制支配数千年之久的中国,古汉语是统治者们为限制未受教育的大多数人的话语权蓄意扶植的。To him, imperial China's archaism was a grand conspiracy to silence the uneducated majority.

元首制度的建立,奠定了500余年帝制的坚实基础。The Principate system, more than 500 years has laid a solid foundation for the imperial system.

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在1789年法国人民推翻帝制,建立自己的第一法兰西共和国。In 1789 the people of France overthrew their monarchy and established the first French Republic.

罗马共和国陷入动荡,共和政体最终为帝制取代。Accordingly, Roman Republic fell into the turbulence and was finally replaced by the autocratic monarchy.

在封建帝制时代,普通的人民群众是不能也不敢靠近它一步的。No ordinary mortal would have been allowed or even dared to come within close proximity of these buildings.

在俄帝制下的妇女除了完全依靠丈夫几乎没有别的选择。Women in Tsarist Russia had very few options open to them outside of being totally dependent on their husbands.

奥古斯都时代作为罗马从共和走向帝制的关键转折点,起到了承上启下的重要作用。Augustan Age as the key turning point of Republican Rome to imperial Rome, played a important role in the nexus.

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所以改革后,双重标准和男性之上的习惯在俄国帝制的社会上仍然盛行流传了很多年。Double standards and sexist practices prevalent in Tsarist society persisted for many years after the revolution.

配克英国帝制度量衡系统的一种干燥容积或容量单位,相当于8夸脱或大约554。A unit of dry volume orcapacity in the British Imperial System equal to8 quarts or approximately554.8 cubic inches.

国帝制度量衡系统的一种干燥容积或容量单位,相当于8夸脱或大约554。8立方英寸。A unit of dry volume or capacity in the British Imperial System equal to8 quarts or approximately554.8 cubic inches.

帝制型的领袖获得伟大将领的速度比其他文明快,而且从居民身上敛财的速度也要快两倍。Imperialistic leaders get Great Generals faster than other civs and can also pump out settlers nearly twice as quickly.

许多人期望亚历山大二世会继续他的改革,废除那些俄国帝制时候的不平等政策。Many hoped that Alexander II would continue with his reforms and abolish some of the unjust policies of Tsarist Russia.

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作者认为帝制时代中国的考试制度是那个时代构成模范的知识界的一个部分。The author maintains that imperial China's examination system was part of what made it a model meritocracy of its time.

在1911年孙中山向导叛逆封建帝制之前,这个约五百英亩之大的园林不停是皇家的避暑胜地。This 500-acre estate was used seasonally until 1911, when Dr. Sun Yat-Sen led an uprising that ended the emperor's rule.

何况,清朝晚期的湘乡曾氏家族,又是直接与中国历史上最后一个帝制王朝末期的命运息息相关。Besides, the Tseng Family of Hsiang-hsiang in the late Ch"ing Dynasty is closely related to the last reign of . an empire."