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它构成一个矢量。This makes it a vector.

什么构成了有效性?What makes up validity?

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光纤由尼龙构成。Fiber consists of nylons.

我的风筝由纸张构成。My kite is made of paper.

什么构成了生物剽窃?What counts as biopiracy?

我的房子由砖块构成。My house is made of brick.

这就构成了一个闭合电路。This makes a close circuit.

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那四册构成一卷书。Nine players compose a team.

我的剪刀由钢铁构成。My scissors are made of steel.

七天构成一个星期。Seven days constitutes a week.

如何构成不定式?。How do we form the infinitives?

指骨,即构成手指的14块骨头。Phalanges. The 14 finger bones.

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十章构成第一卷。Ten chapters comprise Book One.

那块岩石对船只构成威胁。That rock is a hazard to ships.

你体型的大小和构成。Your body size and composition.

最后构成了一个大骗局。Constituted a big fraud finally.

四夸脱构成一加仑。Four quarts constitute a gallon.

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该案是否构成偷税罪?。Is This Case Formed Tax Dodging?

就象一幅水彩画的构成。It's like a watercolour forming.

这街垒是用什么东西构成的?Of what was that barricade made?