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邮戳为凭。Postmark serves as a proof.

这件邮包盖着伦敦的邮戳。The parcel was postmarked London.

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这封信盖有伦敦的邮戳。The letter is postmarked New York.

她在所收到的每一封信上都用邮戳盖上日期。She date-stamped every letter received.

所有的信件上都盖有阿伯丁郡的邮戳。All the letters bore an Aberdeen postmark.

信封上邮戳的地点是圣利安德罗。The envelope was postmarked "San Leandro."

她收到一封盖有香港邮戳的信。She received a letter postmarked Hong Kong.

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是一封挂号信,上面盖着的是一个遥远的地方的邮戳。A certified letter, with a faraway postmark.

这封信盖有一九八三年三月八日的邮戳。The letter bore a postmark of March 8, 1983.

盖戳机可以自动为信件盖上邮戳。A postage meter can stamp mail automatically.

他从邮戳推断他住在什么哪里?From the postmark he inferred where she lived.

他拿了一个盖着爱尔兰邮戳的旧信封。He took a used envelope bearing an Irish postmark.

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盖过邮戳的邮票不能再用。The cancelled postage stamps cannot be used again.

巴西好很多经典邮票,斯科特731美元,邮戳!BRAZIL good lot classic stamps , Scott 731 , postmarks !

邮戳是印于邮票上的官方戳记。Postmark is an official mark printed over a postage stamp.

从邮戳看是发自伦敦的,上面已经布满模糊混乱的油渍了。It was postmarked from London and had the faintest aura of grease.

游客争先恐后地给家里邮寄盖有特别邮戳的明信片。Visitors swarned to mail the special postcards with certain stampers.

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而且你会惊喜地发现,你收到的邮票和邮戳是你以前从未见过的。There's the surprise of stamps and postmarks you've never seen before.

这通过查看邮寄信息或邮戳就可心知肚明。I can easily look up tracking information or read a postmark, you know.

我从邮戳上看出这张明信片是从她度假的地方寄来的。I see from the postmark that this card was posted from her holiday address.