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呜哇!我是古往今来最浑的半身人!Woot! I am the most badass halfling EVER!

古往今来,岱海吸引着无数游人。Through the ages, attracts numerous tourists haidai sea.

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对人的生与死的看法即生死观,古往今来与时俱变。There have been various views about life and death through the ages.

劳驾古往今来多少人的观瞻、朝拜。Excuse me how many people the visual impact through the ages, worship.

古往今来,人们一直在苦苦寻觅长生不老、青春永驻的方法。For ages, people have been searching for the elixir of youth and energy.

对于古往今来的瑜伽大师来说,大法印就是空性。For the master yogis of the past and present, the greatest seal is Emptiness.

古往今来,有些人“感受并亲见了上帝的美好”。All down the ages some have been enabled to "taste and see that the Lord is good."

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没错。其实这也是龙门人古往今来一直推崇的精神。Exactly. Actually this is also the spirit locals in Longmen have always advocated.

古往今来,真正撑起一座人生广厦的,能有几人?From ancient to modern times, really hold up a life of wide mansion, several people?

古往今来,地球妈妈用甘甜的乳汁哺育了无数代子孙。Through the ages, the earth mother milk with sweet nurtured a countless generations.

古往今来,涌现出了多少个清官廉吏。Since ancient times, have emerged out of how many honest and upright official Lian Li.

碧莲峰的美韵便又溶进了这古往今来的文人墨客的诗文之中。Green Lotus Peak US-Rong Jin Yun blamed for this through the ages among the literati of the poetry.

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米开朗基罗在西斯汀礼拜堂的湿壁画和拉斐尔在梵谛冈大教堂的湿壁画是古往今来最着名的。Michelangelo's frescoes in the sistine chapel and raphael's in the vatican are the most famous of all.

这种古往今来举世罕见的糯米糍,在西林县壮族村寨里最为兴盛。This rare Nuomici the world since time immemorial, in the Xilin Zhuang village in the most prosperous.

她的近作,女孩最好,则对古往今来的女性做出的受人忽视的成就作了全面的回顾。Her latest, Girls Are Best, is a knockabout look at the overlooked achievements of women down the ages.

古往今来,曾有多少人赋予她以美的色彩、诗的意境啊!From ancient times to the present, how many people have added to its beautiful colors and poetic imaginary!

古往今来,人们接受新技术是因为新技术能提供更好的产品或更低的价格。Throughout history, people have embraced new technology when it has offered better products or lower prices.

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在道教看来,飞行是得道成仙的最佳证明,同时,飞行也是古往今来人们的共同梦想。Flying, the best proof of becoming immortals for Taoism, is also the common dream of people through the ages.

古往今来,坚持己见为世不容的异士中,他的一生仿佛尤为短暂。From ancient to modern times, insist to do different people in the world, his life seemed particularly short.

绝望的思想,从遗弃了的古往今来时代的蜂巢出来,飞满在空中,绕着我心头营营低唱,并寻找我的声音。Forlorn thoughts from the forsaken hives of all ages, swarming in the air, hum round my heart and seek my voice.