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就像一场揭竿而起的战斗?Just like a battle rise up?

我期待着有一天动物们揭竿而起,发动革命!I hope for an Animal Revolution one day!

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但草根阶级不会因被利用而“揭竿而起”吗?But won’t the grass-roots rebel at being used?

果真那样的话,销售会土崩瓦解,经销商亦会揭竿而起。Your sales would collapse, and your dealers would revolt.

1944年8月,盟军部队步步逼近,巴黎人民揭竿而起。In August 1944, with Allied forces closing in, Parisians rose up.

在一片“狼来了”的呼声中,中国饮料业揭竿而起。In a "wolf, " the voice, the Chinese beverage industry up in arms.

面对孔的暴行,温布省人民揭竿而起。The citizens of Umboo province openly rebelled against Koong's outrages.

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美国揭竿而起摆脱了英国的束缚,法国也随之效仿。The United States rose from the shackles of Britain, France also follow suit.

但是,如果你们试图做那样的事情,枪支生产者和全国枪支协会将会揭竿而起。But the gun manufacturers and the NRA would be up in arms if you tried something like that.

一八○八年六月,法军路过瓦尔德佩纳斯,村民都揭竿而起。In June 1808, as French soldiers were marching through Valdepenas, the village rose up in arms.

中国人民揭竿而起,反对这个统治他们二十二年之久的暴君了。The Chinese people were in almost open revolt against the despot who had ruled them for twenty-two years.

1958年5月21日,掸邦领袖苏内-召燕达揭竿而起第一个拿起武器反对缅甸军政府。On May 21, 1958, a Shan leader, Sao Noi aka Saw Yan Tha, was the first Shan to take up arms against the Burmese regime.

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明初农民起义领袖唐赛儿,滨州市人,她揭竿而起给明王朝以沉重打击。Leader of the peasant uprising in the early Ming Tang Sai'er, Binzhou City, she rise up to the Ming Dynasty with a heavy blow.

政权的衰亡和百姓的疾苦直接导致了诸如李自成这样的农民领袖揭竿而起反抗明朝的统治。The ensuing breakdown of authority and people's livelihoods allowed rebel leaders such as Li Zicheng to challenge Ming authority.

许多西方外交家和评论员质疑是否有天叙利亚人民会揭竿而起,取得他们该有权利和自由。Many Western diplomats and commentators expressed doubts that the Syrian people might one day rise up to demand their rights and freedoms.

在抗联刚刚成立时,仅仅是一个结构松散的游击队组织。他们面对日本侵略者在东北揭竿而起。In its infancy, the Northeast united force was a loosely-grouped band of guerillas that rose up against the Japanese invaders in the Northeast.

在利比亚人揭竿而起之前,穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲用金钱和见缝插针的外交逢迎,缓缓地获得西方的青睐。Before Libyans rose up against him, Muammar Gaddafi used money, and well-timed diplomatic overtures, to worm his way into the West’s good graces.

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1809年一场血雨腥风的战争过后,土耳其人建立了这座骷髅塔,用揭竿而起的反对土耳其统治的塞尔维亚战士之头骨装饰而成。Ottoman Turks built the Skull Tower after a bloody battle in 1809, decorating it with severed heads of Serbian soldiers who rose against Turkish rule.

欣喜不可预知,它存在于如潮的进球中,存在于伯恩利和伯明翰的张牙舞爪,也存在于中产阶级的揭竿而起。Rejoice in its unpredictability, in the deluge of goals, in the bravado of Burnley and Birmingham City, in the aristocracy being challenged by the bourgeoisie.

时值85新潮美术的巅峰时期,各地的艺术团伙纷纷揭竿而起,反叛早已僵化了的传统美协体制。When the peak period of 1985's trendy art, local art groups, one after another rise in rebellion, overturn the already rigid structure of traditional fine art.