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你竟敢在太岁头上动土!How dare you say that to me!

你竟敢在太岁头上动土。You dare to beard the lion in his den.

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他和研究太岁的项目有关吗?He and research too the item of year old pertinent?

虎威太岁来袭,强迫所有人在他的超级游乐园中工作。Huwei Tai Sui struck, forcing all of the super amusement park in his work.

一个爬满了太岁的地球,就是你想象中的未来吗?Is a climb is full too year old of is the Earth the hereafter in your imagination?

小老鼠居然敢在太岁爷头上动土,今天俺就让你们死无葬身之地!NND, small mice even dare Phi Thai head groundbreaking God, today you die without Let the bodies!

何夕把手里的太岁放回箱子,甄达人又立刻拿出来把玩。He Xi deal knob inside of too the year old put behind a box, the Zhen expert immediately takes out anew have fun.

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“太岁继承人的思想,并且获得永生?这真是太荒谬了。”他说。"Too does the year old inherit the person's thought, and gain eternal life?This was truly too preposterous. "He says.

最后才发现,浑身金光闪闪、彪悍异常的虎威太岁只不过是长得体型比较大的猫猫而已。Finally found that whole body glittering, sturdy abnormal Huwei Tai Sui is only relatively large size of the Cats looked only.

Voitenko说一个身份不明的男子在9月1日打电话给他,并警告说他是在“太岁头上动土”。Voitenko said an unidentified man called him on the night of 1 September and warned him he was "stepping on the heels of some serious people".

“这肉瘤怎么看怎么恶心,像是食人魔的心脏。”甄达人把太岁放回箱子,又研究起标签来。"This tumor how see how nauseated, is like an evil anthropophagi heart. "Zhen expert too the year old put back a box, again research mushroom label come.

南水北调西线工程区的地质构造非常复杂,可以说这项工程相当于在“太岁头上动土”。Geological formations are very complicated in the West Line area of South-North Water Transfer Project. So the project presents complex technical challenges.

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相传张道陵于此招集三官、太岁、百鬼,共誓遵守大道,人鬼分理,百姓得以平安生活。It is said that Zhangdaolin summoned Sanguan, Taisui and various ghosts to vow to abide by the principle, separating ghost from this world for a better life of ordinary people.

检方提交的最新证据显示,这位出手阔绰的“花花太岁”先后为性丑闻的女主角们购买了13辆豪华轿车作为礼物,耗资28万欧元。The prosecution presented the latest evidence that the big spenders, "Flower Tai Sui" has for the sex scandal actress to buy 13 luxury cars as a gift at a cost of 280,000 euros.

对啊,如果太岁可以活很长的时间,比如一万年,那么可能在婴儿期就只是一团肉,为了继续成长,当然需要能量。To, if also the annual antique can live very long time, for instance 10,000 years, so may anticipate at the neonate just one regiment beef , as chronic to grow up, certainly need energy.

有鉴于美国为保卫自己的能源供应可以不惜真刀真枪大打一仗的架势,世界上恐怕没有一个国家敢在太岁头上动土,同美国争夺油气资源。Given the open willingness of the U. S. to resort to force to protect its energy supplies, there is probably not a country in the world that dares challenge the Americans over oil and gas resources.