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她坚守岗位。She sticks to her post.

祝你在新的岗位一上切顺利。Allthe best in your new job.

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投弹手到战斗岗位。Bombardiers to your stations.

你应该坚守岗位。You should stick to your post.

您的目标是保住现在的岗位。Your goal is to keep your job.

军队已进入战斗岗位。The army is at action stations.

士兵们站在各自的岗位上。The soldiers stood at their posts.

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她到新岗位报了到。She reported herself at a new post.

各自坚守岗位。Each holds fast to his own position.

并且那些待聘的岗位都是令人垂涎的职位。And those slots are coveted positions.

他说他要创造250万个就业岗位。He said he wanted to create 2.5m jobs.

在维吉尼亚,有19000个工作岗位在风雨中飘摇。In Virginia, 19, 000 jobs are at risk.

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这家物流公司先前计划要削减489个工作岗位。FM Logistic is planning to cut 489 jobs.

我祝你在新岗位上取得成功。I wish you success in your new position.

它还集中在技能较高的岗位。It's also focused on higher-skilled jobs.

他又补充,这意味着能创造出3230个工作岗位。That, he added, would create 3, 230 jobs.

他有自己的职份,而且必须坚守岗位。He has a job to do and must stick with it.

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去年,创造了257,000个岗位。Last year 257, 000 positions were created.

建筑业1月增长了21,000个工作岗位。The construction industry added 21,000 jobs.

盖特威克机场的工作岗位将削减一半。Capacity here at Gatwick will be cut by half.