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你可以从远鱼银行乐此不疲。You can fish from the zar bank with ease.

惦念着你。记得,空小寂乐此不疲。Miss you. Remember that silence never small space.

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他们“因为同龄人的关注而兴奋,乐此不疲。They are “living off the thrill of peer attention.

古董交易和汽车收藏令他乐此不疲。Trading antique and collector cars keeps him busy.

尽管她乐此不疲,但我甚感厌倦和疲惫。Though she still enjoyed it, I felt tired and bored.

这就是许多人对饭局乐此不疲的原因。This is the real reason that people are never bored with it.

买花失利,周母再出新招,她乐此不疲地撮合两人。Buy flowers, she is at it again, she happily between two people.

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高扬大爱旗帜,抒写乡愁是琦君乐此不疲要表达的中心。With high profile of great love, homesickness is her constant theme.

我把你使小性子当作享受,乐此不疲。I don't expect you to be nice. 'I am the master of low expectations. '

低价低质的维保潜规则换来更高额的利润,他们乐此不疲。Low quality maintenance rules for higher profits, they always enjoy it.

他乐此不疲、兴奋异常、从不言弃。He retained that obsessiveness and excitement, never growing out of them.

杜布森对成功启发和影响基督教保守派们始终乐此不疲。Mr Dobson has long enjoyed unrivalled clout with Christian conservatives.

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虽然生活在太空会遇到种种不便,不过围绕以下话题的玩笑总让我们乐此不疲。Of all the discomforts of living in space, this one makes us gag the most.

人们最乐此不疲的一项节日活动类似于摸彩。One of the most popular events of the day was a game like drawing lottery.

你知道,在纽约我要参加许多街球比赛并且我乐此不疲。As you know, I play a lot of streetball in New York and I'm committed to that.

她已经熟练掌握一套小额贷款的方法,并且乐此不疲。She masters already adroitly small the method of loan, and be very happy with it.

家庭主妇们也乐此不疲地在洗衣或洗菜之后,将水保存起来,用以冲厕。Housewives save water after washing vegetables or clothes for flushing the toilet.

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两三年间,马良乐此不疲地在网络平台上发布自己的作品。In the two or three years, Ma had untiringly published his works on web platforms.

然而玩家们仍然乐此不疲的用真正的钱去购买虚拟的农具。Yet they are happy to swap real money for virtual money to buy virtual farm tools.

天秤很难生活在骚动不安的情节剧中,而你对这些却乐此不疲。The Scales find it difficult to live in the turmoil and melodrama that you thrive on.