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我总会深深地被兄弟们的凝集力激动着。I was deeply touched by the brothers cohesion.

在试管凝集反应中,水浴温度为40℃,可延缓自凝现象的出现。So did it in tube agglutination conducted in bath at 40℃.

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这一切,又凝集成中国文章艺术的特质。All these become the particularities of the Chinese writings art.

此外PCL亦凝集某些微生物如野生型和H.B.101大肠杆菌以及面包酵母。PCL also agglutinated micro organisms, as wild type and H. B. 101 E.

半乳糖、N—乙酰氨基半乳糖和D—岩藻糖能抑制其凝集活性。D-galactose, N-acetyllactosamine and D-fucose can inhibit its activity.

序言超凡魅力,是一种赋予极少数人的礼物,是由众多条丝线凝集成的一根绳索。Charisma, a gift given to few people, is a complex skein of many threads.

建立的间接ELISA的灵敏度是微量凝集反应的25~100倍。The indirect ELISA was 25-100 times sensitive than micro-agglutination test.

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并与传统血清学方法凝集反应进行了比较。And improved ELISA was compared with traditional serum method -agglutination.

类似的结果也发生在人类富含血小板之血浆的凝集作用。Similar results were observed in human platelet-rich plasma stimulated by agonists.

研究了酒精发酵凝集性酵母菌的筛选方法。Studied the selecting method of agglutinating nature yeast on alcohol fermentation.

此外PCL亦凝集某些微生物如野生型和H.B.101大肠杆菌以及面包酵母。PCL also agglutinated micro organisms, as wild type and H. B. 101 E. coli and yeast.

然而它在特定的环境下将会以极慢的速率发生分子凝集作用。However it will polymerize at a very slow rate under certain environmental condition.

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然后,我们均匀此计较团队凝集力创业团队中的得分。We then averaged this score within the entrepreneurial team to compute team cohesion.

其凝集活性能被半乳糖和乳糖抑制。Lactose and galactose could inhibit the haemagglutination activity of snail agglutinin.

通过凝集实验的应用,已经证实了病原微生物的健康带菌者。By use of the agglutination test healthy carriers of the organisms have been identified.

红细胞彼此凝集成一簇簇不规则的细胞团。It is the a bunch of irregular cell agglutinates which is agglutinated by Red blood cell.

能凝集兎、小鼠、牛及鸡的血,但不凝集蟾蜍的血。It can agglutinate rabbit, mouse, cattle and chicken erythrocytes, but not toad erythrocyte.

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在细胞杂交过程中计算和报道血球凝集的滴定度是浪费时间。It is misspent time to calculate and report hemagglutinating titers for cell hybrid studies.

夜色在身后点滴凝集,面前的店铺骤然亮起灯火,行人和灯光渐次布满大街。In front of her, the shops would suddenly light up. The street would fill with people and lights.

上面的细胞处于分裂前期,凝集的染色体将要分开。The cell at the top is at prophase, showing the condensing chromosomes prior to their separation.